Retreats at Nagarjuna KMC

January 19, 2022

Nagarjuna KMC at Thornby Hall is enjoying a full month of retreat both online and in-person this month.

The blessings of Vajrayogini in Brasil

January 18, 2022

For the very first time, KMC Brasil is simultaneously hosting two Vajrayogini retreats.

The Path to Freedom in New York City

January 17, 2022

“At KMC New York City we have recently finished the first of five, week-long City Retreats. In the first week, with Kadam Morten Clausen, more than 300 people signed up to participate, both online and in person.”

Retreats at Tharpaland

January 16, 2022

People at Tharpaland KMC are enjoying a month-long Vajrayogini and a shorter Lamrim retreat both in-person and online.

Profound healing in Paris

January 15, 2022

Earlier this month, Gen Kelsang Tonpa granted the blessing empowerment of Medicine Buddha to a fortunate group of students at KMC Paris both in-person and online.

A special Offering to the Spiritual Guide

January 14, 2022

KMC Spain have just finished an Online Course & Retreat with Gen-la Kelsang Thubten and Gen Kelsang Chokga based on the book Great Treasury of Merit by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche. 170 people from all over the world attended the course, with fifteen teachings and six guided retreat sessions.

Vajrayogini Day around the world

January 11, 2022

January is a special month for practitioners of Heruka and Vajrayogini within the New Kadampa Tradition – with January 10 being Vajrayogini Day. On Vajrayogini Day, centers and individuals around the world engage in special practices of Vajrayogini. Here is a selection of inspiring photos from these events.

Two months of silence at Kailash IKRC

January 11, 2022

Thirty fortunate students are currently enjoying an in-person only retreat at Kailash IKRC on on Vajrayogini Generation and Completion Stages & The Uncommon Yoga of Inconceivability at Kailash IKRC.

The 5th annual Mountain Retreat begins

January 10, 2022

Every year the IKRC Grand Canyon holds a special winter retreat. Venerable Geshe-la gave this annual retreat the name Mountain Retreat and blessed it.

The Pure Land of Lamrim at Tara IKRC

January 8, 2022

150 people from 16 different countries, both online and in person, are attending Tara IKRC’s January retreat with Resident Teacher Gen Losang Kelsang on the Pure Land of Lamrim, based on the elven reversals.

Buddha Shakyamuni

Celebrating Buddha’s Return From Heaven


Outstanding Visits and Public Talks in North America


Blessed events in South America


Fall Festival will now offer livestreaming