Retreats begin at the Mother Center

January 7, 2022

The January retreat season at Manjushri KMC opened Wednesday night with an introduction by Gen-la Kelsang Thubten to the first retreat entitled Meditations on the Heart Sutra, which has over 300 people attending in person and online..

Entering the Pure Land

January 6, 2022

With the start of this new year, many fortunate people from everywhere around Canada have been gathering online for the first part of our special winter retreat: Entering the Pure Land – The Kadampa Way of Life.

Retreats off to a great start in Barcelona

January 5, 2022

KMC Barcelona just started the January retreat season with simultaneous month-long counting retreats on Heruka and Vajrayogini and shorter retreats for those not able to do a full month. Enjoy these inspiring photos, including some of yet another retreat on Learn to Meditate.

Imagination in Practice

January 4, 2022

These last three days, almost 500 people in person and online enjoyed a truly blessed and inspiring New Year course with Gen-la Dekyong at Manjushri KMC.

Welcoming the New Year around the world

January 3, 2022

Kadampa Centers around the world welcomed 2022 with teachings, pujas, meditations and parties.

A blessed start to 2022 at the Mother Center

January 2, 2022

400 people gathered at Manjushri KMC (both in-person and online) for a special New Year’s Celebration with Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong, General Spiritual Director of NKT and Resident Teacher.

24~ A beautiful copper roof & much more

January 1, 2022

Since the last update, so much has been accomplished at the Temple site. Besides the installation of the exquisite standing-seam copper roof panels great progress has been made in many areas.

2021 in retrospect, Part 2

December 31, 2021

We continue our review of 2021 with selections from the news for July – December, but for auspiciousness we present this section in reverse order, beginning with the extraordinary news of Venerable Geshe-la’s return to Manjushri KMC after many years of retreat.

2021 in retrospect, Part 1

December 30, 2021

As 2021 draws to a close, we take a look back at some of the wonderful events that have happened during the year.

Making our meditation powerful

December 29, 2021

This weekend at KMC New York Gen Samten granted the empowerment of Buddha Vajrapani.

Buddha Shakyamuni

Celebrating Buddha’s Return From Heaven


Outstanding Visits and Public Talks in North America


Blessed events in South America


Fall Festival will now offer livestreaming