25 ~ Temple opening fast approaching

February 8, 2022

Since the last update there has been tremendous progress in many areas: Path to the Temple entrance laid, The new accommodation unit progressing, with dramatic mountain views from the new rooms, Doors fitted fo the back rooms of the Temple, Flooring and Lighting

Featured Book ~ Heart Jewel

February 7, 2022

This month’s featured book is Heart Jewel by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, a precious book revealing the heart practices of Modern Kadampa Buddhism.

A rain of blessings in Barcelona

February 6, 2022

KMC Barcelona recently concluded their January Vajrayogini retreat with a Burning Offering (Fire Puja) and self-initiation.

Meaningful browsing

February 5, 2022

The delightful tradition of browsing an inspiring bookstore with tea and coffee close to hand lives on in Kadampa centers around the world.

Dharma Celebrations in February

February 4, 2022

Just as the January retreat season finishes, a full program of national and regional Dharma Celebrations arises. Follow the links below to find out more about Dharma Celebrations in February.

A beautiful and challenging job in Chile

February 3, 2022

In the aptly-named city of Concepión, KMC Chile has build a branch center out of nothing in the most challenging conditions. Enjoy their video story.

Creating the external and internal conditions for World Peace

February 2, 2022

For the first time in Kadampa history, the five Gen-las will come together online to teach a course on the five forces, each teaching representing one of the five Temples already completed. This is a perfect preparation for the grand opening of the sixth Kadampa Temple for World Peace in Málaga on June 10, 2022.

The Immeasurable Joy of Immortality

February 1, 2022

The beginning of February marks a special time when Kadampa centers around the world emphasise the practice of Buddha Amitayus, the Buddha of Long life, wisdom and merit.

No better way to make our precious human life meaningful

January 31, 2022

With the conclusion of a very successful January retreat month at Kadampa centers around the world, we now look ahead at opportunities to do more retreat during the course of the year.

Mahamudra in Mexico City

January 30, 2022

January is retreat month in Mexico. The students of Mexico City joined Gen Kelsang Sangden, the Resident Teacher and National Spiritual Director in a retreat on the five stages of the Oral Instructions of Mahamudra.

Buddha Shakyamuni

Celebrating Buddha’s Return From Heaven


Outstanding Visits and Public Talks in North America


Blessed events in South America


Fall Festival will now offer livestreaming