Carnival of Light and Wisdom

March 13, 2022

Over 200 Brazilians gathered in person and on-line for the Brazilian Dharma Celebration 2022 held at KMC Brasil.

Following the Blissful Path at Kailash

March 12, 2022

The 2022 Snow Mountain Retreat (The Blissful Path to Keajra Heaven) led by Gen Kelsang Devi recently ended at Kailash IRC. The retreat concluded with the first Vajrayogini puja to take place at Kailash IRC.

26 ~ Bring on the artists!

March 11, 2022

The construction phase of the Temple building is nearly completed and work on landscaping the grounds is well under way. Now preparations are being made for the teams of artists to take over adorning the Temple inside and out.

500 heartfelt promises

March 10, 2022

At Manjushri KMC this weekend, 500 people, in-person and online, attended a special course with Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong, Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU, at which she granted the Bodhisattva vow and explained how we can unify our daily life with the Bodhisattva’s way of life.

A thousand arms, a thousand eyes in Argentina

March 9, 2022

Enjoy these wonderful photos of the 2020 Argentina Dharma Celebration which was hosted by KMC Argentina in Buenos Aires. Gen Kelsang Rinchung, the National Spiritual Director for Argentina granted the empowerment and teachings of Thousand Avalokiteshvara. It was a very peaceful and joyful occasion for everyone.

An empowerment dedicated to World Peace

March 8, 2022

Recently, Gen Kelsang Chokyong granted the empowerment of Buddha White Tara to a fortunate group of students both in-person and online at KMC Chile.

Avalokiteshvara empowerment in the Temple for World Peace, Sintra

March 7, 2022

KMC Deuachen in Sintra Portugal recently held a special event at which the Resident Teacher, Gen Kelsang Rigden, granted empowerment and teachings on the practice of Thousand-armed Avalokiteshevara. The meditations were led by Maria João Caldeira.

Helping millennials in their search for happiness

March 6, 2022

Recently the Gen Lochani, Resident Teacher at KMC Barcelona, took part in a discussion at the College of Arts & Design in Barcelona. The subject was how to help people of the millennial generation understand and solve their problems. Gen Lochani shared the Buddhist perspective and explained how meditation can help.

Catching up

March 5, 2022

Updates from two Kadampa centers – KMC Austria in Vienna & KMC Mahamudra in South Bay Los Angeles

A Festival with a taste of the Mediterranean

March 4, 2022

As the Opening of the Temple and the beginning of the 2022 Spring Festival approach, preparations are underway at the site to host thousands of people. The Festival will have a distinctive Mediterranean feel. Here we see the team trying out a vegetable paella, one of the dishes offered at the chiringuitos distributed throughout the site, which will also provide tortilla, tapas, salads etc.

Buddha Shakyamuni

Celebrating Buddha’s Return From Heaven


Outstanding Visits and Public Talks in North America


Blessed events in South America


Fall Festival will now offer livestreaming