Finding happiness through wisdom in Vienna

April 14, 2022

The Austrian Dharma Celebration 2022 with Gen-la Kelsang Kunsang was hosted by KMC Austria.

Gen-la Khyenrab visits western Canada

April 13, 2022

This weekend, for the first time in three years, people in western Canada gathered in person for a Public Talk followed by the Western Canada Dharma Celebration presented directly by Canada’s National Spiritual Director, Gen-la Khynerab!

Spring is blooming in Tel Aviv

April 12, 2022

In October we reported on the nascent Israeli Sangha forming in Tel Aviv under the leadership of Daniel Koren. The group has thrived during the lockdown period and recently gathered for their first in-person retreat. Here is their update.

Book now to attend the Spring Festival online

April 11, 2022

Booking for online attendance at the 2022 International Spring Festival is now open. You can book now on the booking page on the Festival website.

Heart Jewel in Colombia

April 10, 2022

Recently, Gen Kelsang Sangden, National Spiritual Director of Mexico, Nicaragua, Colombia, Peru and Chile, presided over the Colombia Dharma Celebration 2022, hosted by KMC Colombia. She granted the empowerment of Wisdom Protector Dorje Shugden and gave teachings on the practice of Heart Jewel.

Working for world peace with Gen-la Kunsang

April 8, 2022

Last week, Gen-la Kunsang was invited to KMC Barcelona where she led a deeply moving retreat at the Montserrat retreat center. Old and and new Kadampas alike enjoyed her guided serenity as they cultivated concentrated, happy minds.

The Wisdom Dharma Protector in New York City

April 7, 2022

KMC New York City recently celebrated NKT Day with an empowerment of the Wisdom Dharma Protector, Dorje Shugden, granted by Resident Teacher Kadam Morten Clausen. This was followed by teachings and meditations led by Kadam Morten.

Celebrating kindness

April 6, 2022

On NKT Day the community at KMC Madrid La Sierra illustrated the core values of NKT by welcoming everyone, including families and children, to their newly acquired center surrounded by the stunning Sierra de Guadarrama. Children were invited to join many games and activities including a theater performance of The Story of Aṅgulimāla. There were also workshops on malas and ecological soap, and teenagers and adults could enjoy walks in the mountains.

Abiding in the Middle Way at IKRC Grand Canyon

April 4, 2022

How wonderful that 300 people in-person and online had the great good fortune to listen to such teachings this weekend from Gen-la Khyenrab and engage in retreat guided by him at IKRC Grand Canyon! The teaching was on Saturday, NKT Day, and the retreat over the following days.

Celebrating NKT Day around the world

April 4, 2022

Last Saturday special events were held at Kadampa centers worldwide in celebration of the annual NKT Day.

Buddha Shakyamuni

Celebrating Buddha’s Return From Heaven


Outstanding Visits and Public Talks in North America


Blessed events in South America


Fall Festival will now offer livestreaming