April Filled with Blessings

April 23, 2024

April blessing empowerments took place at KMC Cuernavaca, Mexico; KMC Peru; and KMC Mallorca, Spain. The Centers shared photos and stories so that others could get to know their communities and events – see the photo galleries below.

Purification Retreats Around the World ~ Part 2

April 21, 2024

From a global heart of compassion, offerings, praises, and prostrations to Thousand-armed (Eleven-faced) Avalokiteshvara resounded throughout the world on the second weekend of April. Practitioners worldwide engaged in Nyungnay retreats to develop their good hearts of compassion and wisdom so that, one day, they will be able to alleviate the suffering of our troubled world.

Purification Retreats Around the World ~ Part 1

April 20, 2024

Nyungnay practice is a special purification ritual that is done once a year as a group practice in Kadampa Centers on Buddha’s Enlightenment Day. Many Centers organize a Nyungnay retreat where practitioners celebrate Buddha Shakyamuni’s attainment of enlightenment.

Joyful Dharma Celebrations in Austria and Malaysia

April 19, 2024

Two joyful Dharma Celebrations – in Austria and Southeast Asia – featured Buddha Shakyamuni empowerment in Vienna and Buddha Amitayus empowerment in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Creating Peace, Health and Harmony in This World

April 18, 2024

Precious opportunities arose for the people of France, the UK, and the US: KMC France, Nagarjuna KMC Thornby Hall, and KMC New Mexico organized well-attended events to bring more peace, health, and harmony into this world.

Dharma events in the Netherlands

April 17, 2024

Recently KMC Oslo organised a well-attended and much appreciated meditation weekend in the Netherlands with Gen Dragpa in Amsterdam who is a native Dutch speaker. The public talk, day course and one day retreat took place in the same venue as the first ever events in Amsterdam 30 years ago with Gen-la Thubten. Read on to find out more…

Summer Festival 2024 Website Now Live

April 15, 2024

Discover the profound teachings that Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche shared in Portugal in 2013, revisited at the Summer Festival 2024. Join Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong and Gen-la Kelsang Jampa at Manjushri KMC as they revisit the essence of Buddha’s Perfection of Wisdom teachings, the Empowerment of Great Mother Prajnaparamita, and commentaries on the practices of Buddha Vajrayogini. Receive priceless heart advice and encouragement to control distractions and make your meditations effective. Don’t miss this extraordinary opportunity to deepen your spiritual path.

Buddha’s Enlightenment Day 2024

April 15, 2024

April 15 is Buddha’s Enlightenment Day, when we celebrate Buddha demonstrating how to attain enlightenment. Enlightenment is the inner light of wisdom that is completely free from mistaken appearance and whose function is to bestow mental peace upon each and every living being every day. It is the source of all living beings’ happiness.

NKT Day Celebrations ~ Part 2

April 14, 2024

To celebrate NKT Day this year, Kadampa Centers in Spain opened their doors with special events. Nine of them shared their celebrations. See this post to get inspired!

NKT Day Celebrations ~ Part 1

April 14, 2024

The first Saturday of April of each year is NKT Day, during which we celebrate the founding of the New Kadampa Tradition by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche in 1991. Kadampa Centers around the world organize special retreats, events, and prayers. At the Mother Center, Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Center, the following dedication was made…


Fall Festival will now offer livestreaming


Crowds Flock to Discover Happiness from a Different Source


Retreating from the busyness of our life

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Shining Open Days in Malaga