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04 July 2024


In June some Kadampa Centers organized group retreats to allow their students to gain deeper experience of the powerful minds of love and faith.

Here Dharmachakra KBC, Vajra Light KBC, and Menlha KMC had a joint retreat at KMC New York, KMC Geneva at Kailash IRC and Lamrim KBC in Monts du Lyonnais.

wonderful teachings at the World Peace Temple

NKT - MENLHA KMC - 2024 (5)

Sangha from Dharmachakra KBC, Vajra Light KBC, and Menlha KMC coordinated their first away retreat at the World Peace Temple in Glen Spey earlier this month. Over 80 people attended from various Centers and were fortunate to hear wonderful teachings on the Liberating Prayer from Gen Kelsang Chogyop and Kadam Donna Campanelli.

The weekend was a wonderful opportunity to spend time with other Sangha, enjoying Dharma conversations and working together to run the event.

Many thanks to Venerable Geshe-la for this wonderful Temple and precious lineage, and to KMC New York for taking such good care of us as we embarked on our inaugural weekend retreat together. We plan on doing it again next year.

NKT - MENLHA KMC - 2024 (1)

increasing our good heart AT KAILASH IRC

NKT - KMC GENEVE - 2024 (1)

We had an amazing retreat of KMC Geneva students had an amazing retreat this past weekend at Kailash International Retreat Center.

The retreat was on the theme of love without suffering. We learned how to distinguish between love and attachment, how to increase our good heart and how to abandon the minds that lead us to suffering.

Thank you to all those who made this wonderful retreat possible!


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A few weekends ago, about 30 of us participated in a wonderful retreat organized by Lamrim KBC (from Lyon, France) in the heart of the Monts du Lyonnais, where we were able to develop calm and peaceful minds. This retreat was based on training in concentration.

For all of us it was very special, as it strengthened our bond as a spiritual community.

Thanks to all participants for this unforgettable experience.

NKT - LAMRIM KBC - 2024 (3)
NKT-IKBU - New Kadampa Tradition - Brazil - Temple Brazil Fall Festival Prep - 2024 -2597

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NKT-IKBU - New Kadampa Tradition - Sweden - New Book - Tharpa -183304

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NKT - AUSTRALIA - 2024 IMG_4714

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