major developments in the rhine valley

Kadam Dharma is growing in the Rhine Valley in Germany, a major area that is home to more than 18 million people. One in four people in Germany come from this region.

Kadampa Meditation Centre Köln

A new center is being established in Cologne, which will be known as KMC Köln. This is a major development - the last city of over a million in Germany to develop a Kadampa Meditation Center!

A property has been identified for the new center in Köln and is currently under contract pending appropriate permissions. See the rendering and plans below.

Kadampa Meditation Centre Oberhausen

In addition, KMC Oberhausen (previously Tushita KBC) has a new Resident Teacher, Kadam Holger Hetzel, and is establishing branches in the Rhine Valley to meet the spiritual needs of the people who live there.

Resident teacher

The Resident Teacher at KMC Oberhausen and the new center in Cologne is Kadam Holger Hetzel.

Kadam Holger is greatly admired for his warm and open nature and his clear instructions, which always focus on the practical meaning of Buddha's teachings for our everyday life.

Kadam Holger is training on the Special Teacher Training Program and International Teacher Training Program at Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre in the UK.


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