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23 December 2021

Enjoy the sound of Dharma over the holidays


Tune in daily over the holidays to the Kadampa Podcasts and enjoy excerpts from teachings by the five Gen-las. Don't forget to share with your friends. Here is the menu for the holiday week:

December 25: Receiving Buddha's Blessings All the Time - Gen-la Dekyong

December 26: Taking the Essence of Having a Human Mind - Gen-la Dekyong

December 27: The Inner Realization of Tantra - Gen-la Jampa

December 28: Is our Mind Constantly Dreaming? - Gen-la Jampa

December 29: Developing Affectionate Love - Gen-la Thubten

December 30: Why the Field of Merit is so Powerful - Gen-la Kunsang

December 31: How Do we Proceed to Go for Refuge? - Gen-la Khyenrab

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Practical and Blessed Events in UK and Asia

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Events for the creation of a perceptible inner peace

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Visiting Teachers in Spain, Canada and Mexico

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Retreating from the busyness of our life