Entering the New Year with Buddha’s Blessings – Part 2
Jan 7, 2025
We continue our review of 2021 with selections from the news for July - December, but for auspiciousness we present this section in reverse order.
On Christmas Eve 2021, to the delight of everyone, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche returned to the Mother Center, Manjushri KMC, after many years of retreat. Enjoy these wonderful photos of Venerable Geshe-la just after he arrived, and greeting his sister and nephew the following day.
During all these years in retreat Venerable Geshe-la's mind has been mixed at every moment with the growth and development of Kadam Dharma in this world. He has instigated and overseen hundreds of developments around the world and given unceasing advice and encouragement to those working to realise his vision.
Venerable Geshe-la, from the depths of our hearts we thank you for your compassionate presence in this world and for all your immaculate deeds to bring your holy Dharma to countless beings in this and future generations. May you remain with us for a very long time, and may we always remain close to you and work hard to realise your extraordinary vision.
The first Saturday in November is International Temples Day, on which we celebrate Venerable Geshe-la's deeds in developing Kadampa Temples and centers around the world. This year, as the Sixth Kadampa Temple for World Peace in Málaga Spain nears completion we featured five new web pages on the existing Kadampa Temples for World Peace. And all round the world, centers joined on the celebrations of this extraordinary project.
The International Fall Festival this year was also held at Manjushri KMC due to covid restrictions and was broadcast throughout the world in the same way as the Summer Festival was. Gen-la Dekyong granted the empowerment of Buddha Green Tara and gave teachings on the practice of Tara Transference of Consciousness (powa).
Anticipating one of the biggest events of 2022, the International Spring Festival in Màlaga Spain, in June, when the new Temple will be blessed and opened, this month we featured that magic moment when the crowning ornament of the new Temple was lifted into position.
The International Summer Festival this year was quite different from any previous Summer Festival. With the exception of a few fortunate ones able to gather at Manjushri KMC, everyone else - over 6,000 in total - enjoyed the Festival online.
Many attended 'mini Festivals' at hubs around the world, the centers where the ITTP had been broadcast to. The program rolled round the clock according to the various time zones, being offered simultaneously with live translations in multiple locations.
Another extraordinary first was that the Highest Yoga Tantra empowerments were granted online, a measure of the resilience of NKT and, thanks to the extraordinary blessings of Venerable Geshe-la, a demonstration of NKT's ability to grow in the face of adverse conditions.
Follow this amazing story in the links to the Festival Diaries below.
Every year in July, hundreds of Resident Teachers gather at Manjushri KMC for a special in-service Teacher Training course with Gen-la Khyenrab. This year, however, the covid restrictions prevented such a gathering and so the UK Teachers gathered at Manjushri KMC, where Gen-la Khyenrab taught, and the other Teachers gathered at 12 different hubs around the world to which the teachings were broadcast online.