Follow the Summer Festival 2016 on Social Media

July 22, 2016

You can follow all the latest videos, photos and updates from the 2016 Spring Festival on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and the Kadampa Photo Gallery. There is still time to book for the festival –

Turning the Wheel of Dharma Day

June 4, 2016

The anniversary of Buddha’s first teaching in this world, which is called ‘Turning the Wheel of Dharma Day’, is celebrated on June 4 by Kadampa Buddhist throughout the world. It is an extremely auspicious day during which the karmic effect of our actions is greatly multiplied.

This day also marks the birthday of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, the Founder of NKT-IKBU, who was born on Turning the Wheel of Dharma Day in 1931.

Follow the Spring Festival 2016 on Social Media

May 26, 2016

You can follow all the latest videos, photos and updates from the 2016 Spring Festival on the following social media channels…

Two weeks until Spring Festival

May 12, 2016

Who is Dorje Shugden? Video & Additional Spring Accommodation

Fall Festival Website is Now Live

April 27, 2016

Booking Opens – Wednesday 11 May, 12 Noon (Toronto)

2016 International Fall Festival Announcement

March 24, 2016

Highest Yoga Tantra Empowerments and Commentary to the Practices of Heruka Body Mandala and Vajrayogini Toronto, Canada   7 – 13 October with Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab This year’s Fall Festival will be the first time since 2003, when Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche granted the empowerments of Heruka and Vajrayogini, that the international Kadampa community … Read more

Spring and Summer Kadampa Festivals 2016

March 24, 2016

Latest news on the Spring and Summer Festivals 2016

Summer Festival website is now live

March 16, 2016

The Oral Instructions of the Mahamudra
July 22 – August 6
Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre, UK

Spring Festival website is live

February 26, 2016

Take time to explore the site and be inspired by the Festival videos and photos that perfectly capture the essence of these unique events.

Save the Dates – Spring and Summer Festival Booking Opening

February 21, 2016

Find out the booking opening dates for Spring and Summer festival and watch a special video feature on the International Kadampa Festivals

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