Modern Buddhism

Developing the wish to attain enlightenment and the method to attain it

Gen-la Kunsang
Gen-la Kunsang
Developing the wish to attain enlightenment and the method to attain it

Enlightenment is the inner light of wisdom that is permanently free from all mistaken appearance and whose function is to bestow mental peace, the source of happiness, on each and every living being every day. The method for attaining enlightenment is renunciation, bodhichitta and the correct view of emptiness.

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The Meaning of the Dharma Wheel

Gen-la Dekyong
Gen-la Dekyong
The Meaning of the Dharma Wheel

Learning the Symbolism of the Temple

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Who Are the Buddhas? How to Become One.

Gen-la Khyenrab
Gen-la Khyenrab
Who Are the Buddhas? How to Become One.

Buddhas were once just like us

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Meditating on the Kindness of Our Mothers

Gen-la Khyenrab
Gen-la Khyenrab
Meditating on the Kindness of Our Mothers

It is easy to forget our mothers kindness or to take it for granted

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Heruka Body Mandala

Gen-la Khyenrab
Gen-la Khyenrab
Heruka Body Mandala

Non-dual appearance and emptiness

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Regarding all phenomena including ourselves as illusory

Gen-la Jampa
Gen-la Jampa
Regarding all phenomena including ourselves as illusory

Actively disbelieving an inherently existent self

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What is Emptiness?

Gen-la Jampa
Gen-la Jampa
What is Emptiness?

How the mind of self grasping ignorance believes mistaken appearance to be true

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Dualistic Appearance and the 24 Inner and Outer Places

Gen-la Khyenrab
Gen-la Khyenrab
Dualistic Appearance and the 24 Inner and Outer Places

Developing a Mind free from Dualistic Appearance

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Remembering the Kindness of Buddha Shakyamuni

Gen-la Khyenrab
Gen-la Khyenrab
Remembering the Kindness of Buddha Shakyamuni

How Buddha Dharma helps us overcome our principal enemy of self grasping ignorance

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The meditation on the three bringings reveals emptiness

Gen-la Khyenrab
Gen-la Khyenrab
The meditation on the three bringings reveals emptiness

Excerpt from Ven. Geshe-la’s commentary from 2005

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