The magic of January retreats
Feb 3, 2025
Quebec Kadampa Centers gathered together at Kadampa Meditation Center Montreal on the occasion of the Quebec Dharma Celebration 2023. It is difficult to express with words the joy, harmony, energy and faith this unique event has generated in the hearts of the participants!
Practitioners from throughout the Nordic region gathered together at KMC Oslo to receive the empowerment of the Wisdom Buddha, Dorje Shugden.
At KMC Mexico we gathered for the NKT Mexico Dharma Celebration. Gen Sangden the NSD of Mexico granted the blessing empowerment of Buddha Shakyamuni and commentary to the Liberating Prayer.
People from different parts of Chile gathered at Kadampa Meditation Center Chile to receive profound blessings through our beloved General Spiritual Director, Gen-la Dekyong who granted the empowerment of Buddha Amitayus.
This past weekend marked the Portugal Dharma Celebration, led by the National Spiritual Director of Spain and Portugal, Gen Kelsang Chokga, and enriched with guided meditations led by the Resident Teacher of KMC Deuachen, Gen Kelsang Rigden.
Last weekend Tushita KMC in Cape Town, South Africa, we were very blessed with Genla Kelsang Kunsang coming to grant the empowerment of Buddha Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden and give teachings on how faith is a real wishfulfilling jewel.
Our world needs compassion. Buddha’s complete compassion manifests itself in the form of Avalokiteshvara, the union of all enlightened beings. At the German Festival 2023, Gen-la Kunsang will bestow the blessing empowerment and provide a commentary on the practice of Buddha Avalokiteshvara.
This November, participants from across Argentina and Uruguay delighted in their 8th Dharma National Festival, guided by the NKT-IKBU General Spiritual Director, Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong. The attendees received the blessing empowerment of Buddha Amitayus, the Buddha of Long Life, Merit, and Wisdom. How wonderful!
Over 500 people attended the National Brazilian Festival 2023 at the beginning of November at the Temple for World Peace, Kadampa Meditation Center Brasil. Practitioners from all over the country gathered to receive special blessings from Gen-la Dekyong, NKT’s General Spiritual Director who traveled to South America to grant the Empowerment of Buddha Amitayus.
At the Kadampa Temple there is an air of anticipation as the community from all over Brazil and beyond are working together preparing for the Brazil National Festival, with Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong the NKT General Spiritual Director.