Beautiful retreats in beautiful places
Feb 7, 2025
Last weekend people from different parts of Chile gathered at Kadampa Meditation Center Chile to receive profound blessings from our beloved General Spiritual Director, Gen-la Dekyong. Gen-la granted the empowerment of Buddha Amitayus to all assembled and shared a special treat - a commentary to the meaning of the mudras shown on the statue of our precious Spiritual Guide.
Everything at a National Festival – all the teachings received, the empowerment, the meditations, and sharing with other practitioners, makes the mind change from negative to positive. During the Festival we move towards a mind of faith which is a peaceful, happy mind. And above all we increase our faith in the source of all these teachings, our precious Spiritual Guide, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche.
We dedicate all the merit accumulated during this weekend for world peace, and for Kadam Dharma to continue to flourish all over the world.
"I'm leaving full of joy, with a full heart."
"It was a very meaningful weekend that had a great impact on me."