Mexican Dharma Celebration 2023

At KMC Mexico we gathered for the NKT Mexico Dharma Celebration. Gen Sangden the NSD of Mexico, Nicaragua, Colombia and Peru granted the Blessing Empowerment of Buddha Shakyamuni and commentary to the Liberating Prayer. It was an event full of happiness in which we delighted in meeting old friends again and finding new friends from all over Mexico.

A living practice, a prayer for our times.

In the introduction to the Dharma Celebration in Mexico, Gen Sangden shared that during this weekend the main focus is to develop and deepen our faith in Buddha Shakyamuni, which is our spiritual life and the root cause of all Dharma realizations. The Liberating Prayer was composed by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche and is a praise to Buddha Shakyamuni. During this weekend we received the Empowerment of Buddha Shakyamuni and commentary to the Liberating Prayer 

Gen Sangden explained that by making this prayer and contemplating its meaning, we will establish a strong relationship with Buddha and receive his blessings and inspiration. We learned that this prayer can be recited by all and in very few verses we cover all the stages of the path to enlightenment. Our minds were full of joy and inspiration as we listened, made prayers and meditated on these pure states of mind.

How fortunate we are!

nov23 5star
NKT Mexico DC entering
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