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15 November 2023

National Festival in Argentina - Celebration in Buenos Aires

This November, participants from across Argentina and Uruguay delighted in their 8th Dharma National Festival, guided by the NKT-IKBU General Spiritual Director, Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong. The attendees received the blessing empowerment of Buddha Amitayus, the Buddha of Long Life, Merit, and Wisdom. How wonderful!

Our precious General Spiritual Director, Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong, visited Kadampa Meditation Centre Argentina to bestow the special blessings of Guru Buddha Amitayus. She shared profound advice and teachings on how to maintain the blessings of the empowerment, encouraged us to never forget our Guru, to develop correct views and intentions, and to wish to identify ourselves in the correct way to be permanently free from suffering.

Thank you very much, Venerable Geshe-la, for this wonderful opportunity!

NKT-KMC Rio268fcc1f-d11c-432e-a6cb-16c03be7fef9

Renovations have started in Rio de Janiero


Everyone welcome!

NKT US - New Kadampa Tradition - New YorkDSC_2996-X4

Nagarjuna’s intention at KMC New York

Dharma Flouring

Flourishing Kadam Dharma in the Heart