International Fall Festival 2023 diaries

Medicine Buddha new

Developing a Pure Heart

October 6 - 12, 2023

Empowerment of Medicine Buddha
Teachings on The Eleven Reversals

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Arrival at the Pure Land of KMC Spain

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Just over a year ago Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche gave us the gift of the 6th Kadampa World Peace Temple near Malaga in Spain and the international Kadampa family came together for it’s inauguration. Now we are gathered together again for our International Fall Festival and it’s such a joy to be back and to see all the improvements that have been made over the last year. Whole new buildings have appeared, beautiful rows of trees have been planted and there have been many other developments, as the use of the site is increased. 

feature video welcome to Fall Festival 2023

Day 1 ~ Developing a Peaceful Mind


People are arriving from all around the world, greeting each other on planes, at the airport, in the taxi queue and as they arrive on site.  Even though there are over 1000 people attending, through the kindness of all the many volunteers arrival is smooth and registration is swift.  

People are extremely happy to be back, to more deeply appreciate this blessed place.  With its five tiered golden temple roof shining in the sun and silhouettes of the mountains in the distance it is easy to feel you are entering into a pure world where you can let go of ordinary life for a time and focus on inner development. 

As the sun goes down the first teachings take place in the temple with Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab, NKT_IKBU Retired General Spiritual Director. He gives us a warm welcome and then shares an overview of the 11 reversals as presented by our Founder, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso in 1994 in Berlin.  He places particular emphasis on how to listen, contemplate and meditate skilfully.  Then he applies this to the first reversal which reveals the practice of relying on our Spiritual Guide. 

In the words of one participant “the teachings were perfect preparation for the empowerment.”

Festival Podcast

Changing our state of mind through meditation

Gen-la Khyenrab
Gen-la Khyenrab
Changing our state of mind through meditation

Meditation is the method to solve our problems but for this to happen we need to make our meditation qualified.

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Recent empowerments in Spain

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Offerings to the Fire Deities

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Forty Years of Buddha Amitayus Retreat


Visiting Teachers in Teachers in Paris, Metz and Manchester