Kadampa International Retreat Centres – Places of Deep Insight
Jan 17, 2025
Kadampa Centers around the world try to organize a diverse range of events for the benefit of their Sangha and the public. When a guest teacher visits, it often marks a special occasion, and is a unique event that brings energy to the Centre and shares wisdom teachings with attendees. See the latest special events at KMC Austria and KMC Metz in France.
From September 22nd to 24th, 2023, Kadam Andrew Crompton, resident teacher at KMC Ljubljana (Slovenia), conducted a guest course titled "Mindset Mastery" at KMC Austria in Vienna. During the course, inspired by the teachings of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso's book How to Understand the Mind, Kadam Andrew explained the five object ascertaining mental factors, which shed light on how our mind functions during meditation, offering practical insights for improving the quality of meditation.
"We gained valuable insights on how to approach meditation with joy and success. In a lighthearted and humorous manner, Kadam Andrew encouraged all of us to integrate meditation practice into our daily lives. It was a wonderful weekend spent with both old and new friends in the beautiful commercial space of KMC Austria. As Kadam Andrew Crompton wisely noted during the course, "Your best is indeed good enough."
KMC Metz welcomed Gen Kelsang Eupamé, National Spiritual Director of France, for 2 exceptional days which had several events. On Sunday a special day focused on exploring the theme of karma and it's power to change our lives brought together a group of 42 participants. This was followed by a Pratimoksha vow ceremony with some people taking these precious vows for the very first time. The day's events were concluded with a delightful evening meal at a nearby restaurant. Here, the members of the sangha had the opportunity to come together, share stories, and savour a meal with "Centre Pompidou" art museum across the way.
Sunday began with Sjong and Offering to the Spiritual Guide prayers. Following this, a special conference took place at the well-known Arènes de Metz, a versatile sports hall and concert venue near key landmarks. The conference, titled "Don't worry, be Happy!", attracted an audience of 40 participants interested in exploring the path to happiness and peace of mind. What a wonderful weekend it was!