What happening at IKRC Grand Canyon?

March 12, 2024

After the completion of the 6 week mountain retreat, the community of IKRC is busy with many different activities to welcome back visitors from the local area to the Temple. Pancake Breakfast | Mala Making | Public Talk preparations

Courses on the Essence of Buddha’s Teachings Toronto & Barcelona

March 11, 2024

Every week Kadampa Centers all over the world offer a variety of courses on many different aspects of Buddha’s teachings. Two beautiful recent courses were at KMC Canada in Toronto and at KMC Barcelona.

Empowerments this Month: the Rain of Blessings continues

March 10, 2024

This month blessing empowerments were given in Florida, Malaysia and Germany. In our world where so much of the news is of conflict and suffering, it’s uplifting to remember that these events are happening all around the world throughout the year taking thousands of people closer to permanent peace and freedom from all suffering.

15th Anniversary Celebrations at KMC Monterrey

March 9, 2024

To celebrate their 15th anniversary, KMC Monterrey organized a weekend of special events with visiting National Spiritual Director, Gen Kelsang Sangden – a public talk, a retreat, and a video presentation, party and puja.

The Wisdom of Meditation – Buddha Manjushri Empowerment

March 8, 2024

Hundreds of Kadampas from as far afield as Hong Kong and the US, gathered together at Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Center to receive the blessings of the Wisdom Buddha Manjushri and profound instructions on how to meditate from our General Spiritual Director, Gen-la Dekyong.

Winter Retreat at KMC New York

March 7, 2024

Over 200 people from all over the US, Canada, Australia and Europe participated in the winter retreat this year at KMC New York. The retreat is an annual event and takes place for 6 weeks during January and February.

2024 Fall Festival Website now live

March 6, 2024

The Fall Festival 2024 website has officially launched! Explore everything you need for a meaningful journey to Kadampa Meditation Center Brazil, including accommodation and travel details. Take advantage of this special opportunity to receive the Highest Yoga Tantra Empowerments from Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong in the incredible Kadampa Temple for World Peace in Brazil.

Purification, Healing, Compassion, and Wisdom

March 5, 2024

Each Buddha is a manifestation of a different aspect of an enlightened mind. They appear in this way to bestow blessings and help living beings with a particular aspect of their spiritual practice. In the past weeks, practitioners in Spain, Nicaragua, the US, and France received blessings to enhance their purification, healing, compassion, and wisdom practices. 

Journey to a Pure World 〜 National Festivals in March

March 4, 2024

Three National Festivals are coming up this March. Practitioners from the Nordic region, Spain, and Canada will come together to listen to, contemplate, and meditate on the teachings of Buddha presented by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche. Celebrating together, these gatherings are always a joyful reunion of Sangha friends and an exciting event for newcomers.

Offering Dharma teachings far and wide

March 2, 2024

The biggest Kadampa public talk yet held in the US was given in Thousand Oaks by Gen-la Jampa. In Montreal, Canada a talk by visiting Teacher Gen Chodor was an inspiration to many new people.


Fall Festival will now offer livestreaming


Crowds Flock to Discover Happiness from a Different Source


Retreating from the busyness of our life

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Shining Open Days in Malaga