30 May 2024

International Spring Festival 2024 diaries


Accomplishing the Great Wisdom Protection

Dorje Shugden Empowerment and teachings
on the Extensive Protector Puja

May 24 - 29, 2024

Follow daily updates from the festival

Day 6 ~ Final Day

It's the final day of Festival but there is no sense of things slowing down, instead we have the grand finale we have all been looking forward to!  The opportunity to engage, as a world-wide Kadampa family, in the Long Protector practice, Melodious Drum Victorious in all Directions. 


Melodious Drum


This practice takes place on the 29th day of each month in our Kadampa Centres where possible, and today it takes place in our first Kadampa Temple for world peace with the international community making the most beautiful, abundant offerings and requests as they sit shoulder to shoulder chanting each verse.

Together we concentrate on each stage, bringing the vizualisations, intentions and understandings we have developed during the Festival into the practice, so that it lights up with meaning and we feel deeply connected to our Guru, Yidam and Protector.

Now we look forward to taking all this spiritual power and clarity with us as we return home. We know we can rely on Dorje Shugden's blessings and protection to transform every condition into the spiritual path, and to help us cherish others by flourishing Kadam Dharma around the world.

"Whenever I the practitioner, my benefactors, or followers,
Engage in any Dharma action, either now or in the future,
Please be vigilant and care for us, quickly dispel adverse conditions,
And create every good condition for us to succeed in our practice."

From Melodious Drum Victorious in all Directions sadhana

We are deeply grateful to Venerable Geshe-la, our kind spiritual father and founder of the New Kadampa Tradition, for his extraordinarily clear teachings which we are continuing to explore  in each Festival and throughout our lives, and for giving us everything we need to follow an authentic spiritual path: in short, for bringing such meaning and joy into our lives.

It has been an exceptionally powerful festival. Although less than a week in terms of time, our spiritual lives have been deeply enriched. We should never underestimate the power of attending Festivals!


Enjoy this short video review of the Spring Festival 2024

Goodbye until Summer

As we say goodbye we can look forward to a magical International Kadampa Summer Festival, taught by Gen-la Dekyong and Gen-la Jampa here at Manjushri KMC. It will give us the opportunity to revisit the 2013 Festival with Venerable Geshe-la, when he gave his last public teachings. This Festival will be another unique opportunity to draw closer to our Spiritual Guide, and to take his teachings deeply into our hearts so that we are forever changed.

We can also go on a special pilgrimage to the Brazil Temple for World Peace inaugurated and blessed by Venerable Geshe-la 2010, at the International Kadampa Fall Festival in November.

NKT - KMC CUERNAVACA - 2024 8S0A3636

Finding wisdom and compassion with Visiting teachers


An Invitation to Brazil

NKT-IKBU - New Kadampa Tradition - KMC Montreal --8

Coming together to help our centers

NKT-IKBU - New Kadampa Tradition - Nagarjuna KMC - UKDC 2024 -9754

Purification at the UK Dharma Celebration 2024