Auspicious beginnings to the year
Jan 18, 2025
In May some Kadampa Centers organized group retreats to allow their students to gain deeper experience in the practice of meditation. As they briefly leave behind their ordinary daily activities, people can immerse themselves in the peaceful, joyful experience of retreat.
Here Naragarjuna KMC at IKRC Menorca (in Spain), KMC Tolouse and KMC Montepellier at KMC Barcelona in Montserrat (Spain) and KMC Trois-Rivières in Quebec.
Nagarjuna KMC recently organised a fantastic 4-day retreat at the beautiful IKRC Menorca. Kadam Bridget skilfully guided meditations suitable for all levels of experience, providing clear and profound Kadam Dharma that is easy to practice and integrate into daily life.
Participants from around the UK gathered for a relaxing Buddhist retreat on the stunning island of Menorca. The group bonded well, making the time special for everyone.
A big thank you to the team at IKRC Menorca for taking such good care of us.
In May, 90 people attended a retreat organized by KMC Toulouse and KMC Montpellier and hosted by KMC Barcelona at the Temple in Montserrat. The students from these centers met for a wonderful retreat entitled A Retreat to the Heart of our Own Mind.
It was led by Kadam Olivier and Kelsang Sangyé, our two resident Teachers. The program included a beautiful meditative walk, meditations and inspiring teachings.
Everyone had a great time and a wonderful retreat.
So many people from central Quebec enjoyed a very peaceful and joyful weekend retreat on karma and the practice of the 35 Confession Buddhas guided by the Resident Teacher of KMC Trois-Rivières, Tiphaine.
We explored the 4 opponent powers, which give strength to our purification practice. In particular we understood how to cultivate a joyful regret: a constructive and determined mind that focusses on the solution. We learned how it is very different from guilt: the mistaken mind that paralyzes us and prevents us from moving forward. Then we discovered how to conclude with a skilful and realistic promise.
It was wonderful to engage in the sublime practice of The Bodhisattva’s Confession of Moral Downfalls together, and to gain confidence that we can integrate a practice of purification into our daily life.
Prostrations are a powerful method for purifying negative karma, disease, and obstacles, and they increase our merit, our happiness, and our Dharma realizations."
Excerpt from The Bodhisattva Vow.
Purification can be such a joy!!
Thank you Venerable Geshe-la!