Spotlight on Reels for the New Year
Jan 8, 2025
85 people from all over Argentina, Uruguay and Peru gathered at KMC Argentina this weekend to celebrate 10 Years of Kadam Dharma in Argentina.
After the Australian Festival, Gen-la Khyenrab travelled across the water for the New Zealand Festival.
How wonderful to receive the empowerment of Vajrasattva from such a pure Teacher and to hear teachings on removing obstacles and negative karma.
Enjoy this video showing the stages by which the statues and Temple adornments are produced at the Kadampa Art Studio
Following on from our coverage yesterday of the Vajrayogini Day celebrations at the mother centre, here we share more photos from some the other centers around the world.
The month of January is a special month in the Kadampa calendar during which we emphasise the practices of Heruka and Vajrayogini, the principal Highest Yoga Tantra Deities of modern Kadampa Buddhism. Today, the tenth day of the month, is Vajrayogini Day.
As the first week of the January retreats at Manjushri KMC begins to draw to a close, we asked a few of the retreaters over lunch what they have got out of the retreat so far:
All over the world Kadampas are enjoying the start of the January retreats. Here we feature a small selection
Enjoy this exquisite and inspiring International Kadampa Brochure 2020, which illustrates the extraordinary vision of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche unfolding throughout the world.
In 2020 there will be three International Kadampa Festivals. Find out more and watch an inspiring video about the Festival experience
This month’s featured book is Great Treasury of Merit, an extraordinary book that contains clear instructions on how to rely on a Spiritual Guide, the foundation for all spiritual attainments.