How to grow Dharma realisations

September 14, 2019

Practical advice from Gen-la Jampa – perfect preparation for the Fall Festival

The benefits of memorisation

September 13, 2019

In The Mirror of Dharma with Additions, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoch gives great encouragement to memorize the Introduction as a basis for contemplating the instructions presented in the remaining chapters

The joy of working at the Kadampa Art Studio

September 12, 2019

Over the last year or more, we have watched as many extraordinarily beautiful statues and art forms have been produced for the new Temple in Arizona

Reflections in the Mirror of Dharma

September 10, 2019

After the Fall Festival 2019 there will be many opportunities to absorb into the precious instructions into our heart at post-Festival retreats

A very beautiful spiritual activity

September 10, 2019

Last week the community at IKRC prepared and filled all the statues to install in the shrine of the new Temple

Why I am going to the Fall Festival

September 8, 2019

More people from around the world share what inspired them to book for the Fall Festival


September 7, 2019

KMC Australia was very fortunate to have Gen Drolkyi, the Resident Teacher of KMC Singapore visit and share the teachings from the Summer Festival.


September 6, 2019

Over 80 people attended a special day course with Gen Tonglam at KMC Hong Kong learning how to find inner peace in the midst of conflicts and problems.

Sharing Inspiration

September 4, 2019

People from around the world share what inspired them to book for the Festival . . .

Another precious jewel in the mandala

September 3, 2019

Thursday, August 29 was a very blessed day at KMC Albacete when a fortunate group of people from many Spanish Kadampa centers gathered for the opening of the new city Temple.


Fall Festival will now offer livestreaming


Crowds Flock to Discover Happiness from a Different Source


Retreating from the busyness of our life

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Shining Open Days in Malaga