Dharmachakra Day ~ An occasion for special celebrations

June 4, 2020

Today we celebrate Buddha’s first turning of the Wheel of Dharma (Dharmachakra), when Buddha gave the very first Dharma teachings in this world and the birthday of the holy Spiritual Guide, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche.

Connected & uplifted in a troubled world

June 2, 2020

There are 52 students on the English Language Foundation Programme at KMC Hong Kong with Gen Kelsang Tonglam studying remotely but connected and uplifted by the joy of listening to the teachings.

Protection from all fears and dangers

June 1, 2020

Buddha Tara, is a female Buddha who rescues all beings from outer and inner fears and dangers. Like a mother she protects us from all internal and external dangers and provides necessary conditions for us to progress along our spiritual path.

Sevilla now has a special color & a special magic

May 31, 2020

Through the kindness of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche a new Kadampa City Temple will now appear in the beautiful Spanish city of Sevilla

The Joy of a Kadampa Life

May 30, 2020

The 2020 Online Summer Festival is a special opportunity to receive teachings and engage in meditations of Kadampa Buddhism online over a two-week period.

Back to school at Manjushri KMC

May 28, 2020

After breaking for the Spring Festival, the students on the Intensive Teacher Training Program at Manjushri KMC resume their studies with Gen-la Khyenrab on Monday. They will continue until August, when those who complete the program successfully will become eligible to become Resident Teachers at Kadampa centers around the world.

A Magical Week in Retrospect

May 27, 2020

A magical week in retrospect. A chance to review and share the Festival Diaries for the 2020 International Spring Festival.

Spring Festival 2020 Diary ~ Day 6

May 26, 2020

With the last two sessions of the retreat with Gen Loang today, the Spring Festival 2020 online comes to a close. Now it is time for us to take these precious teachings in our heart out into our daily life to benefit others.

Spring Festival 2020 Diary ~ Day 5

May 25, 2020

By harnessing the power of modern technology we are now bringing Kadam Dharma directly into people’s homes. How wonderful!

Spring Festival 2020 Diary ~ Day 4

May 24, 2020

There is not a single aspect of this Festival that has not arisen from the heart of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche.


Outstanding Visits and Public Talks in North America


Blessed events in South America


Fall Festival will now offer livestreaming


Crowds Flock to Discover Happiness from a Different Source