Australian Festival 2025
Jan 10, 2025
We received these photos and stories from the Kadampa Temple for World Peace in Brasil. People who have recently visited to do retreat or to help with the voluntary work share their experiences of being at this special place. Read their heartfelt feedback and be inspired.
Every year, Kadampa centers around the world arrange preliminary retreats in which people engage in practices that help prepare the mind for deeper meditation. Generally these retreats are four sessions a day over seven days, and you can participate in as many or few sessions as you wish.
Last weekend Gen Ananda granted the Dorje Shugden empowerment at Tharpaland Kadampa Meditation Centre. You could really feel his presence and feel his protection. Once again it became clear how important such a true friend and helper is.
Spanish Festival 2020 online, The Power of Love with Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab. September 25-29. Everyone welcome!
Last weekend saw two simultaneous Dharma celebrations on opposite sides of the USA, the North East US Dharma Celebration and the California Dharma Celebration.
Every year on September 22 we celebrate Buddha’s return from the desire god realm called Land of the Thirty-three Heavens, where he had been to visit his mother who had been reborn there.
KMC Singapore has just relocated to a new center in the city. The centre officially opens with a special Offering to Spiritual Guide puja on September 25!
Last weekend the 2020 California Dharma Celebration was held both in-person and online from KMC Hollywood. Gen Rigpa, National Spiritual Direcotr for Western US granted the empowerment of Dorje Shugden and some commentary to the long protector practice, Melodious Drum Victorious in all Directions
Last weekend saw people all over Europe enjoying the Swiss, Italian, Austrian Dharma Festival 2020, with Gen-la Kelsang Kunsang, retired Deputy Spiritual Director of NKT, giving empowerment and teachings from KMC Edinburgh, where she is the Resident Teacher. The meditations and retreat were guided from Kailash IRC in Switzerland.
At the 2020 Online International Fall Festival Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong the General Spiritual Director of NKT will grant empowerment and teachings on the seven Medicine Buddhas. Receiving the empowerments of these Buddhas means that you will receive special blessings of their body, speech, and mind. You will receive permission to engage in the practice of these Buddhas so that you can attain a special power of body, speech, and mind that will enable you to benefit all mother beings.