Auspicious beginnings to the year
Jan 18, 2025
Last weekend saw two simultaneous Dharma celebrations on opposite sides of the USA, the North East US Dharma Celebration
and the California Dharma Celebration.
The 2020 North East US Dharma Celebration was held at and streamed from KMC New York.
Kadam Morten, National Spiritual Director for Eastern US, granted the empowerment of Buddha Shakyamuni and teachings on making our meditation practice powerful. Gen Kelsang Samten, Resident Teacher at KMC New York, gave the introduction and Kadam Kyle Davis, Second Teacher at KMC New York led the meditations.
Kadam Morten began by explaining the preciousness of Buddha’s teachings and helping us grow a deep sense of appreciation and gratitude towards Buddha. Then, he guided the profound experience of the empowerment, during which we received blessings on our body, speech, and mind to transform them into an enlightened body, speech, and mind. Clearly, after the empowerment, those present felt very blessed and strengthened going forward in their meditation practice.
On the day of the empowerment the site was stunning and the forty participants basked in the clear, crisp air and warm, autumn sun.
As Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche says, Kadampa Buddhism is the union of meditation and daily life, and weekends like these perfectly support this way of life. It is definitely beneficial to spend time away, improving our experience of meditation and growing our own good qualities, but we do so to integrate it into our modern world and be of help to others when we return.
Over 220 people enjoyed the California Dharma Celebration Online this year, which was streamed from KMC Hollywood.
Gen Kelsang Rigpa, National Spiritual Director for Western US, granted the blessing empowerment of the Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden. He reminded us of the modern miracle of finding Je Tsongkhapa’s path and the tireless efforts of Dorje Shugden and his retinue to keep us on the path amidst the distractions of modern life.
He also explained that Dorje Shugden has the power to optimize the ripening of our karma, so that regardless of whether good or bad karma arises, we make swift progress toward enlightenment. We do not have to do this alone.
Gen Kelsang Lhadron, Resident Teacher of KMC San Diego gave the introduction and the morning meditations were led by Amy Peng, Resident Teacher of Dharmachakra Kadampa Buddhist Center in Palm Springs.
On Saturday and Sunday, there were Zoom parties attended by Sangha all over California. Even though we were all physically separate from each other and tuning into the celebration from our own homes, there was a strong sense of unity - one mind, one purpose, one direction.
Thank you so much, Venerable Geshe-la. Thank you Guru Dorje Shugden for guiding us and protecting us along the path to enlightenment!