Australian Festival 2025
Jan 10, 2025
At the 2020 Online International Fall Festival Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong the General Spiritual Director of NKT will grant empowerment and teachings on the seven Medicine Buddhas.
Receiving the empowerments of these Buddhas means that you will receive special blessings of their body, speech, and mind. You will receive permission to engage in the practice of these Buddhas so that you can attain a special power of body, speech, and mind that will enable you to benefit all mother beings.
Who are the seven Medicine Buddhas?
Buddha Shakyamuni revealed the practice of Medicine Buddha at a place called Vaishali in India. He expounded to thirty-six-thousand Bodhisattva disciples the Sutra called Eight Thousand Verses Principally Revealing Instructions on the Practice of the Medicine Buddhas.
While Buddha was teaching, some disciples began to develop doubts about the existence of such enlightened beings. To remove these doubts from their minds, Buddha emanated light rays from his heart and invited the seven Medicine Buddhas to appear in Vaishali, so that all the thirty-six-thousand disciples could see them directly. Buddha introduced each of the seven Buddhas saying:
'This Buddha is Tathagata Medicine Guru. He comes from an eastern Pure Land called `Lapis Jewel Land'.
'This Buddha is Tathagata King of the Clear Knowing.
"This Buddha is Tathagata Melodious Ocean of Dharma Proclaimed.
"This Buddha is Tathagata Supreme Glory Free from Sorrow.
"This Buddha is Tathagata Stainless Excellent Gold.
"This Buddha is Tathagata King of Melodious Sound.
"This Buddha is Tathagata Glorious Renown of Excellent Signs.
It is said that through hearing these instructions on the Medicine Buddhas, thirty-six-thousand human beings and seven hundred thousand non-human beings attained high realisations.
Meet the Medicine Buddhas and receive their blessings
Book for the Festival
Booking opens Sept 17 at 13.00 UK time.