Urban retreats at local centers around the world – Oases of peace
Jan 28, 2025
In August 1997 Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche opened the first Kadampa Temple for World Peace at Manjushri Centre in the UK, thereby launching the International Temples Project. In this video we listen to the talk he gave at that time and see the development of other Temples since then.
"We built this temple for the people of future generations, for the people of next generations, not for our own enjoyment, so that in the future, people have a great opportunity to enjoy in this temple, to accomplish inner peace through progressing on the spiritual path to enlightenment. We are giving a great opportunity to people through sharing holy Dharma and practicing. So that is our main aim.
"Why are we creating this building? Not for our own enjoyment. We are giving this for people of future centuries, future generations so that they have a great chance.
"You know, previously ancient people, they worked very hard for what we now enjoy. We bring nothing from our previous lives, nothing. Everything is automatically ready to enjoy, because previously many people worked very hard. Through their kindness, now we are enjoying.
"Now we also work for other people and create good conditions, special objects, for their spiritual development and so forth. Therefore, we are benefactors to these people."
Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche
Manjushri Centre Temple Opening
August 2nd, 1997
Thank you Venerable Geshe-la for your great gift to this world.