Celebrating compassion & wisdom in the UK

April 9, 2021

Among the many centers celebrating NKT Day over the weekend, here we feature two in the UK Nagarjuna Centre at Thornby Hall and Madhyamaka Centre in Yorkshire.

Peace for the world

April 8, 2021

At the 2021 Mexican National Festival, April 9-11, Gen-la Kelsang Kunsang, retired deputy Spiritual Director of NKT, will grant the empowerment of Avalokiteshvara the Buddha of Compassion and give teachings on how to accomplish world peace through developing inner peace.

The blessings of infinite life

April 8, 2021

Last weekend, people throughout Switzerland enjoyed a wonderful Dharma celebration, both online and in-person, with Gen-la Kelsang Kunsang their National Spiritual Director, who due to travel restrictions streamed the empowerment and teachings from KMC Edinburgh where she is the Resident Teacher.

More images from the Spanish Festival

April 7, 2021

The Festival was hosted by KMC Spain, where the sixth Kadampa Temple for World Peace is currently under construction, and the Resident Teacher and National Spiritual Director, Gen Chokga, led the Festival retreat.

13 ~ The Temple progresses inside and out

April 7, 2021

The very kind contractors are making tremendous progress with the Temple both outside and in. And they always have time for a wave and a joke when the cameras appear. Meanwhile the vajra seat for the top of the Temple is almost complete as it is coated in copper.

A special time for Kadampa centers worldwide

April 7, 2021

This weekend, many Kadampa centers around the world took advantage of the Easter holidays to offer special events. And with Saturday being NKT Day it was also an occasion for special pujas and celebrations. In this first post on the events of the weekend we feature the mother center, Manjushri KMC in the UK and IKRC Grand Canyon in the US.

The Blessings of Mother Tara are felt across Spain

April 6, 2021

This weekend people all over Spain and beyond enjoyed the 21st National Spanish Festival with Gen-la Dekyong – the last National Festival before the opening of the Kadampa Temple for World Peace in Málaga next year. 

A year in NKT

April 2, 2021

NKT was formally registered as a charity in July 1991. On Saturday April 3 the following year, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche inaugurated NKT Day, which was to be celebrated on the first Saturday in April every year.

Gen Kelsang Demo on her favorite passage in Venerable Geshe-la’s books

April 1, 2021

In the second video of this series, Gen Kelsang Demo reads her favorite passage from the book The New Eight Steps to Happiness and explains what it means for her.

Meaningful days together

March 31, 2021

The people of Colombia just enjoyed their first ever Kadampa Dharma Celebration. Gen Kelsang Sangden, their National Spiritual Director granted the empowerment of Je Tsongkhapa and gave teachings on the practice. It was a great success with 92 people attending from all over Colombia and beyond.


Outstanding Visits and Public Talks in North America


Blessed events in South America


Fall Festival will now offer livestreaming


Crowds Flock to Discover Happiness from a Different Source