Will you be joining a post Spring Festival Retreat?

Traditionally after the three NKT-IKBU International Festivals, Kadampa centers around the world organise follow-up retreats to give us a chance to deepen our understanding and experience of the teachings from the Festival. Here are the centers offering retreats following the 2021 Spring Festival. There is still time to book for the Festival online.

Jun 4 – 10 Tara International Kadampa Retreat Centre

A Life of Great Meaning with Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab

Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab, a retired General Spiritual Director and National Spiritual Director of Canada. Based on the blessing empowerment of Buddha Shakyamuni and teachings on the Request to the Lord of all Lineages prayer, Gen-la Khyenrab will guide us to connect with and deepen our experience of living a life filled with great meaning.

Jun 4 – 9 Tharpaland Kadampa Meditation Centre

Meditations for a Happy Life with Gen-la Kelsang Thubten

Gen-la Kelsang Thubten, a senior Teacher of Kadampa Buddhism who has been a disciple of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso for forty years and was the principal editor for many of his books, will guide six days of meditations on a special poem called Request to the Lord of all Lineages. Contemplating and meditating on its profound meaning, your heart will be touched and transformed into authentic love, compassion and wisdom. Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche says, “There is no greater meaning than engaging in this practice.”

Jun 5 – 8 Bodhisattva KMC, Brighton

Taking the Meaning to Heart with Gen Kelsang Demo
Gen Kelsang Demo, Midwestern US National Spiritual Director and the Resident Teacher at KMC Washington DC, will give teachings and guide meditations to help us to bring the meaning of The Request to the lord of all Lineages Prayer deeply into our heart. Through contemplating and meditating on the meaning of this prayer we will mix our mind with its profound meaning and gain experience of the path to liberation and enlightenment so that we can effortlessly benefit all living beings. There is no greater meaning than this!

Jun 4 – 6 KMC Washington DC

Post Spring Festival Retreat with Gen Kelsang Sangden

Gen Kelsang Sangden, National Spiritual Director of Kadampa Buddhism in Mexico, Colombia, Chile and Nicaragua, and the Resident Teacher at KMC Mexico, will guide an online weekend retreat focusing on some of the key themes of the recent International Spring Festival and give us the opportunity to dive deeper into the teachings and meditation practices.

Jun 4 – 6  Kailash International Retreat Centre

Realising Our Full Potential with Gen Kelsang Devi

Gen Kelsang Devi, the Principal Teacher at Kailash International Retreat Centre and Kadampa Meditation Centre Zurich, will lead a retreat based on the teachings and commentaries received from the International Spring Festival. This is a wonderful opportunity to deepen our understanding and insight based on the teachings and commentaries in guided retreat. We will gain familiarity, through contemplation and meditation, of how to realise our full potential of love, compassion and wisdom, and draw closer to enlightenment ourself.

Jun 11 – 13 Kadampa Meditation Center Brazil

A Life with Great Meaning with Gen Kelsang Drime

Gen Kelsang Drime, Resident Teacher at KMC Brazil, will guide a short, yet powerful and meaningful post Spring Festival Retreat at Brazil’s World Peace Temple. He will lead us through the blessed teachings from the International Spring Festival, and guide us to deepen our meditation experience.

Jun 5 – 6 Kadampa Meditation Centre Hong Kong

Attaining the Real Meaning of Human Life with Kadam Dianna Lau

After receiving the blessing empowerment of Buddha Shakyamuni and the teachings on the supreme prayer Request to the Lord of All Lineages, we have the opportunity to deepen our understanding on the practices of Lamrim, Lojong, and Mahamudra – the entire path to enlightenment in this retreat. If we make a determination to attain the realisation of the stages of the path to enlightenment, there is no greater meaning than this. The teaching is in Cantonese

Jun 3 – 6 Madhyamaka KMC, Pocklington

No Greater Meaning with Gen Kelsang Thekchen

Gen Kelsang Thekchen, Resident Teacher at KMC Brighton, will guide a retreat based on the teachings from the International Spring Festival and also a special day retreat to celebrate the 90th birthday of our supreme Spiritual Guide, Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinchope. These special blessings will help us to mix our mind with its profound meaning and gain experience of the path to liberation and enlightenment so that we can effortlessly benefit all living beings.  There is no greater meaning than this!


Every day a different Kadampa Teacher shares their views about the upcoming Spring Festival. Follow them and catch up on the NKTFestival Instagram account: instagram.com/nktfestival


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