Entering the New Year with Buddha’s Blessings – Part 2
Jan 7, 2025
Last weekend the new center for Guadalajara KMC was officially opened by Gen Kelsang Sangden, National Spiritual Director in Mexico. During this auspicious event, she reminded us all that this space could exists only for one reason: for public benefit.
Then, before the Celebration started, many Kadampa monks and nuns had their Sojong ceremony at which they renew their ordination vows.
Then it was time for the annual Mexican Dharma Celebration at which people were finally able to meet in person to enjoy teachings, meditations and the empowerment together.
During the introduction, Gen Sangden told us that having a good heart helps us to solve our problems temporarily and ultimately, and that the nature of all beings is a potential of infinite love, compassion and wisdom.
Then she granted the special blessings of the thousand armed Avalokiteshvara empowerment followed by teachings on the practice. It was so inspiring to be able to enjoy this in person in the company of the Sangha.
The meditations were guided by the Resident Teacher of KMC Guadalajara, Gen Lobon.