Going Beyond the Ordinary with Long Retreats
Mar 6, 2025
September 22 marks the celebration of Buddha’s return from heaven, when we celebrate Buddha’s return from the desire god realm called Land of the Thirty-three Heavens, so-called because it has thirty-three different types of god.
Read MoreLast week in South America there were three blessed events that deepened students’ connection with Guru Buddha. The Colombian Dharma Celebration was hosted by KMC Colombia, the Bodhisattva Vow was given in the World Peace Temple at KMC Brazil, and a Buddha Shakyamuni empowerment at Wisdom KBC, Concepcion, Chile.
Read MoreRetreating from our busy daily lives to relax, deepen our Dharma understanding, and enhance our meditation practice is a wonderful opportunity to make progress on our spiritual path. Recently, centers in sunny Florida, the mountainous suburbs of Madrid, and the peaceful English countryside provided environments for rejuvenating and meaningful breaks.
Read MoreTwo wonderful occasions to celebrate! Two centers hosted their official openings: Ganden Ling KMC in Cornwall, and KMC Nottingham, with its new building at Gedling House along with its 30th anniversary celebration.
Read MoreRead about some other recent activities organized by Kadampa Centers around the world.
Here: KMC Durban, Tara KBC (Antofagasta, Chile), KMC Colombia, Nagarjuna KBC (Buenos Aires), KMC Dresden and Vajravarahi KMC (Preston).
Basking in sunflowers after the rainy monsoon season, the IKRC Grand Canyon looked this August even more welcoming. The community at the Fifth Temple for World Peace has been engaging in a variety of activities – from retreats and kids’ classes to rooftop refurbishment, community outreach, and new branch classes. There’s so much happening at our beloved Temple!
Read MoreIn August some Kadampa Centers organized group retreats to allow their students to gain deeper experience of inner peace.
Here Kailash IRC, KMC Argentina, KMC Vancouver and KMC Fraser Valley.
This August, practitioners in Mexico had a wonderful opportunity to engage in a post-Festival retreat and learn about karma and lojong (training the mind). See below for more details on the courses offered at KMC Mexico, KMC Cuernavaca, and KMC Monterrey.
Read MoreWhile people in the Northern Hemisphere enjoy summer in August, those in the Southern Hemisphere are now enjoying their winter events. Check out the recent wintertime events in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and Uruguay.
Read MoreFollowing the International Summer Festival, Kadampa Centers worldwide are resuming their classes and courses. Check out what’s new in the US at KMC Brooklyn, KMC New York, KMC Maryland, KMC South Carolina, and KMC Washington DC.
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