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20 September 2024

Blessed Events in South America

Last week in South America there were very blessed events that deepened the students' connection with Guru Buddha. The Colombian Dharma Celebration was hosted by KMC Colombia, the Bodhisattva Vow was given in the World Peace Temple at KMC Brazil, and a Buddha Shakyamuni empowerment at Wisdom KBC, Concepcion, Chile.

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The Colombian Dharma Celebration

Medicine Buddha empowerment with Guen Kelsang Sangden

The Sangha of Colombia gathered to receive the beautiful empowerment of Medicine Buddha and to celebrate the flourishing of Dharma. We enjoyed three inspiring days of profound teachings from our National Spiritual Director Gen Kelsang Sangden with meditations guided by our Resident Teacher Gen Kelsang Atisha.

It was a beautiful opportunity to understand the importance of this practice in our modern world, where there is so much mental and physical sickness, and to connect with the healing power of Medicine Buddha to help ourselves and others. Also we reflected on the importance of relying upon the three precious jewels, specially the Sangha in order to build a strong practice, increase our faith and finally allow the Dharma to continue growing in Colombia for the benefit of all.

Thank you to all the volunteers who worked to make this event possible, to the attendees, and to Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche for his kindness in allowing all beings to access these blessings. May all sentient beings heal their bodies and minds!

The Bodhisattva Vow at KMC Brazil


Last weekend, on September 7th, 80 people were gathered at the Kadampa Temple for World Peace in Brazil to take and renew their Bodhisattva Vow. It was a very special moment, before the Fall Festival set up starts, to deepen our connection to our most precious Spiritual Guide and also generate the special motivation of bodhichitta. With the motivation of this great good heart we can transform our activities of preparing for this international event into the practice of the six perfections, making all our activities especially powerful.

Now, empowered by these blessings, we are all ready to start preparing!

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Blessed weekend at Concepcion with Buddha Shakyamuni

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Through teachings, meditations, prayers and the blessing empowerment of Buddha Shakyamuni, we have had an incredible weekend full of happiness and joy. We learned that our daily prayer “The Liberating Prayer” contains all the stages of the path to enlightenment, both from Sutra and Tantra, and we understood how to bring this prayer to our daily lives, maintaining an increasingly peaceful, clear and confident mind in the true potential that lies within us.

Thanks to all the participants, to the volunteers, to our Resident Teacher Kelsang Khandro. And especially thanks to Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, for enabling us to fill our lives with meaning by showing how to enter, make progress on, and complete the spiritual path to enlightenment.


Fall Festival will now offer livestreaming


Crowds Flock to Discover Happiness from a Different Source


Retreating from the busyness of our life

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Shining Open Days in Malaga