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29 August 2024

Recent Events in Mexico

This August, practitioners in Mexico had a wonderful opportunity to engage in a post-Festival retreat and learn about karma and lojong (training the mind). See below for more details on the courses offered at KMC Mexico, KMC Cuernavaca, and KMC Monterrey.

Post-festival retreat at KMC Mexico

At the end of August we hosted the 2024 post-Summer Festival retreat called The Uncommon Yoga of Inconceivability at KMC Mexico. We were honored to have international guest Teacher Gen Kelsang Rigpa, the National Spiritual Director of the Western US and Resident Teacher of KMC Los Angeles, guide the retreat.

A remarkable 150 people attended, receiving deep, clear, and inspiring instructions on this extraordinary practice of Vajrayogini.

TALK IN Tepoztlán

Organized by KMC Cuernavaca, we had the good fortune of receiving transformative teachings on karma from our Resident Teacher, Gen Nampur. The talk took place at our branch class location in Tepoztlán. Gen Nampur's insightful guidance helped us understand how our actions shape our reality and experiences, and how we can cultivate peace and wellbeing for our future.

We want to express our deepest gratitude to Gen Nampur for sharing the profound wisdom of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche with us. Our heartfelt thanks also go to all the volunteers who, with dedication and love, made this event possible. Your effort and commitment allowed these teachings to reach so many people.

May the good karma we have generated together flourish in our lives and in the lives of all beings!

Lojong course at KMC monterrey

At the end of August at KMC Monterrey we had a wonderful course called Taming the Elephant Mind with our Resident Teacher Kelsang Damcho. It was a very enjoyable afternoon listening to teachings on how to understand and control our mind. Thank you so much everyone for joining us!

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