
06 September 2024

What's On at the IKRC Grand Canyon

Basking in sunflowers after the rainy monsoon season, the IKRC Grand Canyon looked this August even more welcoming. The community at the Fifth Temple for World Peace has been engaging in a variety of activities - from retreats and kids' classes to rooftop refurbishment, community outreach, and new branch classes. There’s so much happening at our beloved Temple!

Peaceful Pines Retreat

Gen Kelsang Wangpo, the new Resident Teacher at Kadampa Meditation Center Phoenix, took a trip to Northern Arizona over Labor Day Weekend to lead the IKRC Grand Canyon’s Peaceful Pines Retreat. Of the 30 participants, many were visiting the IKRC Grand Canyon for the first time, and several retreaters from the Phoenix area were delighted to learn that Gen Wangpo would be teaching at their local center. During the retreat, Gen Wangpo skillfully used compassion, humor, and analogies to gently guide meditations on cherishing others, taking and giving, and developing a kind heart.

New Roof Installed on Buildings at IKRC

For one week in August, roofers worked at the IKRC Grand Canyon, installing new roofing over the dining room and accommodation areas. The project will continue with a second phase soon, which will involve replacing the roofing on the other side of the building.

Summer Fun for the Youngest Students

The youngest students at the IKRC Grand Canyon have been enjoying creative and fun activities this summer during their Sunday morning meetings, including designing their own concentration 'matching' game and baking cookies!

Community outreach: local market & classes

In August, the IKRC Grand Canyon engaged in local outreach by participating in the East Flagstaff Community Market and the Downtown Flagstaff Urban Flea Market. These events aimed to raise awareness about the Kadampa Temple for World Peace and promote an upcoming public talk with our Resident Teacher, Gen-la Kelsang Jampa at Northern Arizona University on October 4. The team met potential vendors for next year’s Fun Fair and distributed information about meditation and retreats.

The IKRC Grand Canyon has also expanded its branch classes this year. New meditation classes have been established in Kingman, Las Vegas, Sedona, and Williams. In Sedona, a class was held at the public library, drawing a positive response. The IKRC's Education Program Coordinator now travels monthly to teach in Las Vegas and Kingman, where new students have shown interest. In Williams, a weekly Tuesday meditation class has begun, attracting a number of attendees.

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Recent empowerments in Spain

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Offerings to the Fire Deities

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Forty Years of Buddha Amitayus Retreat


Visiting Teachers in Teachers in Paris, Metz and Manchester