A special evening in Brisbane

September 22, 2018

Last night 200 people gathered in downtown Brisbane to join Gen-la Dekyong for the opening of the spectacular KMC Brisbane.   Gen-la performed the traditional ribbon cutting ceremony and invited everyone into the Temple where she gave a truly inspiring talk encouraging us all to share Venerable Geshe-la’s vision to bring Kadam Dharma to every … Read more

Buddha’s Return from Heaven Day

September 21, 2018

September 22 marks the celebration of Buddha’s return from heaven. On this day we celebrate Buddha’s return from the desire god realm called Land of the Thirty-three Heavens, so-called because it has thirty-three different types of god. Traditionally this day also marks the end of the summer retreat. Every year, during the summer months, Buddha … Read more

Celebrating Dharma in the north of England

September 21, 2018

Madhyamaka KMC in the north of England has a special place in the history of modern Kadampa Buddhism because it was the first center established by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Rinpoche in 1978, soon after he arrived in the UK. In founding Madhyamaka Centre Venerable Geshe-la sowed a potent seed, and since that time hundreds of … Read more

A journey to peace and happiness in the land of liberation

September 20, 2018

In 1959 Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche entered into a three-year retreat on the Tibetan Nepali border. He named his retreat house ‘Tharpaland’, which means ‘Land of Liberation’. Later Venerable Geshe-la established an international retreat center for modern people called ‘Tharpaland’. Now based in the beautiful setting of Schloss Sommerswalde just outside Berlin, Tharpaland International … Read more

What our world needs is Bodhisattvas

September 19, 2018

Kadam Dharma first came to Canada in July 1990, when Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche on a visit to Toronto established the Buddhist Institute of Canada, which later became Kadampa Meditation Centre Canada. Since that time Kadam Dharma has flourished throughout Canada in both the English and French speaking regions. This weekend all the Kadampa … Read more

Art for Arizona

September 17, 2018

A team of dedicated artists and volunteers at the Kadampa Art Studio at MKMC is presently preparing the many adornments for the new Temple under construction in Arizona. Everything is designed and cast at the Studio and then painstakingly sanded and filled. The adornments for the Temple roof – the vajras, Dharma wheels and deer … Read more

A vast ocean of good fortune

September 15, 2018

Our recent news items about the opening of the urban temples in Malaga and Atlanta, and the remarkable progress being made on the new temple in Arizona, perfectly illustrate the vision and dedication of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche to bring Modern Kadampa Buddhism to people throughout the world by building temples where they live … Read more

Enjoy the magic of Sintra

September 14, 2018

Each year, besides treating us to a meaningful spiritual vacation, the Fall Festival gives us a chance to discover a different part of the world. Whereas the Spring and Summer Festivals are always held at Manjushri KMC, the Fall Festival is held a different locations and so gives us the opportunity to enjoy different countries … Read more

From fixing motor cars to fixing minds

September 13, 2018

For 80 years, 741 Edgewood Avenue in the historic Inman Park district of Atlanta was an automotive garage dedicated to fixing motor cars. This weekend, completely renovated and transformed, it opened its doors as the new home of KMC Georgia, dedicated to fixing minds.   KMCGA is a truly inspiring example of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso … Read more

Out of emptiness a Temple appears

September 12, 2018

It is less than a year since International Kadampa Retreat Center Grand Canyon opened its doors to the public and began an ever expanding programme of retreats and courses with the Resident Teacher Gen-la Kelsang Jampa, the Deputy Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU, as well as many visiting Kadampa Teachers. New Temple IKRC Grand Canyon will … Read more

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Shining Open Days in Malaga

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Beneficial Public Talks around the world