Kadam Dharma in Chiapas

February 23, 2020

Gen Kelsang Sangden, National Spiritual Director of Mexico, recently visited the southern state of Chiapas at the invitation of Centro Budista Kadampa Menlha in Tuxtla and Centro Budista Kadampa Drolma in San Cristóbal de Las Casas.

Two six-week retreats come to a close

February 22, 2020

This last week witnessed the completion of two powerful six-week retreats that ran through January into the first half of February: the Mountain Retreat in IKRC Grand Canyon and the Snow Mountain Retreat at Kailash IRC.

Buddha Maitreya in Kensington

February 21, 2020

Last weekend people from all over London gathered at the London Kensington center, part of KMC London, to receive the empowerment of Buddha Maitreya

Medicine Buddha in Slovenia

February 20, 2020

This weekend, KMC Slovenija arranged the first Medicine Buddha empowerment in Slovenia, which was granted by the Resident Teacher of KMC Slovenia. Andrew Crompton.

Richly gifted, inspired & encouraged to engage in spiritual practice

February 18, 2020

This weekend the small village of Teisendorf in Berchtesgardener Land, between Munich and the Austrian border, was the venue for the Southern German Dharma Celebration with Gen Kelsang Ananda the National Spiritual Director for NKT-IKBU in Germany. 

Intensive Teacher Training Program Begins at Manjushri KMC

February 17, 2020

Last night, Manjushri KMC welcomed 35 Kadampas from 15 different countries to begin a six-month Intensive Teacher Training Programme with Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab, retired General Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU.

We all need a Long Life

February 16, 2020

Continuing our coverage of the Amitayus practices at centers around the world this month, in this post we feature the short retreat in the Temple for World Peace at Manjushri KMC. The retreat was led by James Belither, a senior Teacher at the center and principal editor for Tharpa Publications.

Fall Festival 2020 bookings go live in a few hours

February 15, 2020

Fall Festival 2020 booking opens Booking opens: Saturday February 15, 9pm UK time, Sunday February 16, 7am Brisbane time

How to Destroy the Cycle of Suffering

February 14, 2020

Don’t miss this precious opportunity to receive the blessings of Buddha Shakyamuni and the lineage blessing of his precious teaching on the Wheel of Life directly from Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong, Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU.

Gen-la Jampa back in the USA

February 12, 2020

No sooner had Gen-la Jampa returned to the USA from leading the retreat at Manjushri KMC, than he began a tour of centers in the eastern US before returning to IKRC Grand Canyon, where he is the Resident Teacher. Here we feature his visits to KMC Georgia and KMC Chicago.


Blessed events in South America


Fall Festival will now offer livestreaming


Crowds Flock to Discover Happiness from a Different Source


Retreating from the busyness of our life