Spotlight on Reels for the New Year
Jan 8, 2025
Recently over 200 people from all over Germany, the Netherlands and Austria participated in the German Dharma Celebration online.
Gen Ananda, the National Spiritual Director for Germany, granted the blessing empowerment of Wisdom Buddha Manjushri and gave practical and profound instructions on the four seals.
'We learned how we can let go of the things that burden us and eventually attain the deepest inner peace of nirvana. This, the real goal of our quest for happiness, we will find through the practice of the "Great Seal", meditation on emptiness, thereby fulfilling all our own and others' wishes.'
What people said
"It's wonderful to be able to be connected with Buddha, Dharma and Sangha at home in these times. I felt the empowerment this morning to be very powerful - as if I had been there. I can only say: it works!"
"Thanks to the kindness of Geshe-la, Gen Ananda and all the Kadampas who work to make the German Dharma Celebration possible, I can take part this year, even though it's Easter and without leaving my family alonen. I sat in front of my own shrine and felt I was at the same time in Tharpaland. This creates a strong connection and also strengthens my meditations at home! Many thanks for everything!!! "
'The quality of the live broadcast was great! I felt as if Gen Ananda was a friend sitting opposite me and talking to me directly. Thank you very much! "
"Thank you very much for everything, it is so wonderful to be able to participate in this way. I never thought that it could be so inspiring and powerful on the Internet too. It is very good and helps in these times."
"Today our bedroom became a pure land - how wonderful! And at the end for the Migtsema prayer the little Dakinis came to sing."