Going Beyond the Ordinary with Long Retreats
Mar 6, 2025
"A good heart always brings good results"
"In this world of so much pain and conflict, who has created a Temple like this for world peace? Where has this Temple come from? We understand because Venerable Geshe-la has taught us, that everything is created by mind. We also understand, only because Venerable Geshe-la has taught us, that a good heart always brings good results. So who has created this Temple for us? Where has it come from? I think a simple answer that we can all understand is that it has arisen from our precious Guru's heart."
Yesterday, with these words, Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong, General Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU, introduced the fifth Kadampa Temple for World Peace.
The ceremony began outside the Temple door with a special ribbon-cutting ritual. Gen-la explained that, as we can see from its features, the Temple is a representation of the Pure Land of Heruka, the Buddha of Compassion. The ribbon symbolises our ordinary, impure appearance preventing our attainment of enlightenment, and cutting it symbolises abandoning our ordinary appearances and entering the enlightened Pure Land.
On behalf of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, Gen-la then invited us to enter the Temple and for the first time we beheld the exquisite beauty of this magnificent building.
We sat in front of the grand shrine surrounded on all sides by holy beings listening to Gen-la explain the meaning and purpose of this Temple, and how fortunate we are to be present for this special moment.
After Gen-la's talk we all joined in Wishfulfilling Jewel Puja, during which Gen-la Jampa read a truly moving dedication and a reading from The Mirror of Dharma with Additions.
Finally Gen-la blessed the statues and other holy objects, inviting the wisdom beings to descend and remain forever to bless the minds of all who see them.
Thank you Venerable Geshe-la for this extraordinary development, and thank you Gen-la for such a beautiful opening ceremony.