Post Fall Festival retreats 2020

This Fall Festival is a precious opportunity to receive teachings and empowerments from Gen-la Dekyong. Find out about the Post Festival Retreats you can also take part in.

Finding the object of meditation

A brief excerpt from a teaching by Gen-la Khyenrab at the 2019 Fall Festival at Kadampa World Peace Temple Grand Canyon


See the exciting program of events at IKRC Grand Canyon following the Festival

Day 8 – Finding the Sun

Catch-up with day 8 of the NKT International Fall Festival 2019 at the Grand Canyon, Arizona.

Day 6 – The magic continues

Today Gen-la Khyenrab started to teach the second part of the Festival and the magic continued

Day 3 – A grand beginning

This evening, Gen-la Dekyong, General Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU, gave the very first teaching of the 2019 Fall Festival in the Kadampa Temple for World Peace Grand Canyon.

NKT US - New Kadampa Tradition - New YorkDSC_2996-X4

Nagarjuna’s intention at KMC New York

Dharma Flouring

Flourishing Kadam Dharma in the Heart

NKT - Madhayamaka KMC - 2024 (17)

Bonus Bulletin – 11 July

NKT - KMC SPAIN - 2024 (19)

Kadampa Events For Families in Spain