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24 October 2024

Ordination Fall Festival 2024

Today the international ordained Kadampa Sangha gathered together ahead of the Fall Festival for a very special ordination ceremony with Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong.

It was special for many reasons. Taking place in the beautiful, awe-inspiring, vast Brazilian Temple, the international Sangha, together with the Brazilian Sangha and five new ordainees, received their vows.

Gen-la Dekyong gave very clear, inspiring teachings that benefitted both those receiving the vows for the first time as well as all the senior Sangha acting as witnesses and renewing their vows. She encouraged all the participants to appreciate deeply how priceless the ordained way of life is and how beneficial it can be for the spiritual path, creating a strong foundation for the Bodhisattva way of life and the practice of Highest Yoga Tantra. In this way all our spiritual practice can be unified and embodied in the ordination vows.

With Venerable Geshe-la at her heart as the ordaining preceptor, she shared special advice, guidance and encouragement coming directly from him, leaving everyone uplifted, inspired and with renewed clarity about how to practice their ordination vows effectively.

So today we rejoice in our beautiful ordained Sangha community!


A blesseded international ordained Kadampa sangha

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Working in harmony for the International Fall Festival

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