Summer Festival 2019

Day 8

Free day!


Festival life

At the Summer Festival, the transition from week one to week two is marked by a free day during which many festival goers take the opportunity to explore the delights of the local area, or just rest at the center, or catch up with some chores. But while we rest here, across the Atlantic the construction team and volunteers are hard at work, preparing the Temple and site for this year Fall Festival.


Jared's free day

My First Festival



"My brother invited me but wasn’t expecting me to come! So this is a surprise, but I’m enjoying it. I like the spirit of the people here and the tranquil environment. This is my first experience of Buddhist teachings, and at the moment I’m taking them in and will reflect after the festival."

View these delightful photos of people enjoying their free day, and see some of the many places to visit and things to do around Manjushri KMC.

What people are saying


Henry Tozer

London, UK

"These are personal instructions from our Spiritual Guide and you need the immersion of the festival to give you the full power of that experience, and confidence in the teachings. It's a game changer!"

Brian A24

Brian Andrews


"I came to my first Kadampa festival this Spring and now I'm hooked! It's something I wish I had experienced earlier in my life, because it's such a marvellous experience."

Marilyn L13

Marilyn Laviniere


"This festival is a taste of delight, infact, I've already booked my hotel for the 2020 summer festival!"


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