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05 August 2019

Summer Festival 2019

Day 14

The source of all the great good fortune we have enjoyed

"Faith is the life of any spiritual path."

Festival life

Thank you Geshe-la


A Special Connection


World Peace in one minute - Thank you Geshe-la

As the Festival draws to a close, we focus especially on the source of all the great good fortune we have enjoyed during the last two weeks. Everything - the Festival itself, the teachings, the teachers, indeed every aspect of the event - has arisen through the power of the sublime, compassionate intention in the mind of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche.

My First Festival


Fernando Santiago


“Here the ambience is positive and peaceful, and we are gaining more familiarity with our Dharma practices, always increasing our positive energy. It’s a personal decision, but I would say to anyone who is thinking of coming to the festivals that if you want a spiritual life then this really is the place to be."

At the beginning of the Festival, Gen-la Dekyong read a welcome message from Venerable Geshe-la in which he explains how the International Festivals are the special method to maintain the International Kadampa Buddhist Union.

During these two amazing weeks we have directly experienced the meaning of Venerable Geshe-la's words and have seen the International Union in action. By establishing this Union, Venerable Geshe-la has set in motion the development of world peace in our time.

He has created a new future for all of us, and we leave this Festival feeling part of that future!

From the depths of our hearts we thank you Venerable Geshe-la for your immense kindness and extraordinary vision.

Listen to 5 minutes of wisdom

New Essence of Vajrayana - An Introduction

What people are saying


Charles Chan

Hong Kong

"I think already we have world peace at this festival! There are no boundaries between people or countries here.  Everyone is happy to help each other and everyone is smiling. I’ve come here from Hong Kong where things are a bit chaotic at the moment, and I want to bring some peace like this to my country. I feel so blessed."


Santuo Chatterjee


“We can tinker with trying to find world peace through political systems, but in the end it can’t be done. We are just trying manipulate external systems, but peoples' minds don't change - they're still afraid, angry, selfish, disappointed. Here we have a glimpse of world peace because we are looking at the roots of the problem, which are in our mind - our fears, insecurities and anger. Geshe-la knows how to change the mind. We need a reliable guide who has the patience and compassion to help us and be with us all the time. This is a wonderful opportunity."

Daniel Smith - UK

Daniel Smith


"It’s incredible that in 40 years Kadampa Buddhism has spread this far. You just need to look around and there are people here from dozens of different countries. When these people go home and it will benefit their family and the people they work with - it has a ripple effect. I hope Geshe-la has a long life so he can continue with his dedication to help people in the modern world. If all societies were like this there would definitely be world peace."

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Practical and Blessed Events in UK and Asia

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Events for the creation of a perceptible inner peace

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Visiting Teachers in Spain, Canada and Mexico

NKT-IKBU - New Kadampa - Canada - KMC Ottawa IMG_4537

Retreating from the busyness of our life