Summer Festival 2019

Day 13

Mixing Kadam Dharma with our heart

"In order to benefit countless mother beings, first we need to accomplish refuge."

Festival life

What is retreat?


Why do retreat?

Day 2 of the retreat, Day 13 of the Festival! With just a couple of days remaining naturally our thoughts turn to returning home, and how we can keep the magic of the Festival alive in our hearts when the realities of our normal daily life re-emerge.

We are learning that the best way to carry the essence of the teachings home with us is to mix them deeply with our heart in retreat. And in this retreat Gen-la Kunsang is leading us gently but powerfully to this experience.

My First Festival

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Charlotte Guislain


“It’s like a nucleus of world peace here and if each of us can spread the Dharma, it can expand and grow. I will take it back to my work and my family and will try to interact with them like we do here, so my relationships will be more peaceful and with fewer delusions.”

There is nothing in this world that compares with the feeling of holy Kadam Dharma becoming one with our mind. It's a gradual process that we experience session by session, day by day as the meaning of the Oral Instructions becomes part of the fabric of our mind. The blessing is unbelievably powerful and the transformative effect on the way we think, feel and behave extraordinary.

As we file out of the Temple at the end of each session the inner peace in the hearts of our fellow retreaters is palpable. It is such a privilege to be sharing this experience with so many sincere and good-hearted people from all over the world.

But in truth there are no words to describe the benefits of the special sequence of the International Festivals - empowerment, teachings retreat. You have to experience it for yourself, and once you do you will want to experience it over and over again.

And the next opportunity to enjoy this unique experience is at the 2019 International Fall Festival in Arizona in September.

Listen to 5 minutes of wisdom

The Four Great Preliminary Guides - Guru Yoga

What people are saying

Rocio Fernandez Perez - Spain

Rocio Fernandez Perez


"The retreat is like pouring water on the seeds we have sown in our minds in the last few days so that these seeds can really flourish. Retreat is fundamental to bringing the experience of Dharma into our hearts, to resting the mind, and to feeling in the presence of our Guru every day. Really it is the best gift."

Sarah Letort - France

Sarah Letort


“Through this retreat I’m seeing improvements in my practice and I understand things that I didn’t understand before. Meditating in a group with a common energy is helping me to gain experience of the practice."

Alexander Walsh-Penley - USA

Alexander Walsh-Penley


"It’s a fantastic retreat! It helps me on the quick path to enlightenment. I think a lot of the teachings are actually quite simple, but sometimes it’s a long path from your head to your heart, and once you get it focused at your heart it’s easy - but it might take a while!"

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Recent empowerments in Spain

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Offerings to the Fire Deities

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Forty Years of Buddha Amitayus Retreat


Visiting Teachers in Paris, Metz and Manchester