The Dharma Protector’s mandala appears in Hong Kong

May 25, 2022

Last weekend, Gen Kelsang Tonglam, National Spiritual Director for East Asia, granted the blessing empowerment of Dorje Shugden at the East Asian Dharma Celebration. Kelsang Dachog guided the meditations and Kadam Dianna guided the retreat.

Summer Festival 2022 – Back to the Mother Center

May 24, 2022

After a long break, live Festivals once again return to Manjushri KMC! The International Summer Festival 2022 will take place there July 29 – August 13.

Banquets of precious wisdom

May 24, 2022

Kadampa centers are places of gathering and learning. Here we feature two recent weekend events at Kadampa centers in the UK.

Blessed and Peaceful Moments

May 23, 2022

With the warmer weather, some centers are arranging public events outside so local people can see and join in mediation.

Receiving the blessings of the Buddha Doctor

May 23, 2022

Nearly 200 people attended this year’s Southwest Dharma Celebration at the IKRC Grand Canyon.

Kadam Dharma flourishing in Texas

May 20, 2022

News from two KMCs in Texas: KMC Houston & KMC Texas

Wisdom blessings abound in Ireland

May 19, 2022

This year’s KMC Northern Ireland Dharma Celebration took place at the exquisitely beautiful Ards Friary in Donegal, with Kadam Bridget Heyes granting Manjushri Empowerment and fantastic teachings on the Ultimate Truth of Emptiness.

Representations of Buddha’s mind appear in Málaga

May 18, 2022

The two stupas for the shine in the Temple at Málaga were the last two major componenets completed at the Kadampa Art Studio at Manjushri KMC. They are already in Málaga waiting to be installed in the shrine.


May 17, 2022

An Intensive Teacher Training Program at Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre with Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab February – August 2023

Journey to a Pure Land in Canada

May 17, 2022

Blessing Empowerment of Amitayus, Buddha of Long life, Good Fortune and Wisdom & Teachings on the Buddhist way of loving-kindness with Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab

Buddha Shakyamuni

Celebrating Buddha’s Return From Heaven


Outstanding Visits and Public Talks in North America


Blessed events in South America


Fall Festival will now offer livestreaming