Living Clarity

How to Develop a Peaceful Mind

December 2, 2023
Living Clarity
Living Clarity
How to Develop a Peaceful Mind

Gen Devi helps us to understand how identifying with the naturally calm and peaceful nature of our mind will enable us to stop mental busyness and delusions.

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Breaking Down Barriers

December 2, 2023
Living Clarity
Living Clarity
Breaking Down Barriers

Gen Rabten shares a profound explanation from the Buddhist mind training teachings showing that the barriers we feel toward others are actually fictitious.

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Train your Mind for Inner Strength and Confidence

December 2, 2023
Living Clarity
Living Clarity
Train your Mind for Inner Strength and Confidence

Adversity is everywhere so we need inner strength to stay happy in life. In this talk Gen-la Dekyong explains that it is possible for each of us to gain inner strength and confidence if we put effort into training our mind.

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How To Overcome Distractions

December 2, 2023
Living Clarity
Living Clarity
How To Overcome Distractions

Gen Demo dives into the essential mental tools that can help you overcome distractions and take your meditation practice to the next level.

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Where does happiness come from?

November 27, 2023
Living Clarity
Living Clarity
Where does happiness come from?

Kadam Morten gives practical and realistic advice to help you enjoy a peaceful mind through meditation.

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