August 21, 2019

What a privilege and delight to meditate on the Oral Instructions of Mahamudra with such a precious Teacher in such a blessed place!

Gen-la Khyenrab in Germany

August 20, 2019

After a leading a blissful Post Summer Festival retreat at Tharpaland KMC, Gen-la Khyenrab headed for KMC Berlin, where he gave a public talk

Post Summer Festival Retreat at Madhyamaka KMC

August 19, 2019

Enjoy these photos from the post Summer Festival Retreat with Gen Rabten at Madhyamaka KMC

Post Summer Festival Retreat in Málaga

August 17, 2019

Please enjoy these delightful photos of the Post-Summer Festival Retreat in Málaga with Kadam Morten.

City of Seven Wonders

August 17, 2019

With the 2019 Fall Festival just a few weeks away, many people will soon be traveling to Flagstaff Arizona, the site of the Festival Hotels. We thought you might enjoy a quick overview of the town:

Summer Post Summer Festival retreat @ KMC Barcelona

August 15, 2019

Summer Festival Retreat 2019 has now ended and many people have traveled to the various centers around the world holding Post Festival Retreats. See photos of the retreat at KMC Barcelona.

StudioWatch 13

August 13, 2019

The two full-size stupas for the Temple in Arizona have now been cast at the Kadampa Art studio, along with vajras and Dharma Wheels for the next Temple and many new pieces for urban temples.

The stream of kindness continues to flow

August 12, 2019

As Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche says, ‘Wherever we look, we find only the kindness of others.’ This week, we see this stream of human kindness flowing before our very eyes as an army of unsung heroes removes the last physical traces of the 2019 Summer Festival.

The Festival dissolves

August 11, 2019

Just three weeks ago we watched as the 2019 Summer Festival appeared out of emptiness. Now the Festival is over, the people are gone and, like mist lifting, everything begins to dissolve back into emptiness . . .

Festival wrap

August 5, 2019

The Festival concluded today with a presentation of the Story of Atisha. This was a public rehearsal of a play that will be presented at the Fall Festival in Arizona. Another reason to be there!


Fall Festival will now offer livestreaming


Crowds Flock to Discover Happiness from a Different Source


Retreating from the busyness of our life

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Shining Open Days in Malaga