Winter retreat wonderlands

January 31, 2021

As the January retreat season draws to a close, please enjoy this selection of images showcasing the natural beauty of Kailash IRC, Manjushri KMC, Tara IKRC, IKRC Grand Canyon, KMC New York, and Madhyamaka KMC during their retreats.

Australian highlights

January 30, 2021

After the Australian Festival at the beginning of the month, centers around Australia continue with their summer program. Here are a few highlights from Melbourne, Sydney and Tasmania.

Beneath the Bodhi Tree

January 29, 2021

Twelve years ago, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche donated to KMC Spain a sapling of a Bodhi tree descended from the original tree in Bodh Gaya, beneath which Buddha attained enlightenment.

9 ~ Temple shrine wall built and roof completed

January 28, 2021

The new Temple in Málaga is making extraordinary progress thanks to the efforts of a very professional and dedicated team of workers. How kind they are! Here we see the walls being built for the shrine and prep room, the roof completed and work beginning of the services infrastructure inside.

Hundreds of people joining online retreats

January 27, 2021

Throughout January Kadampa centers around the world have been engaged in retreats, in many cases with people joining online. Here we feature three centers that are now into their fourth week of retreat. For these centers it is the first time they have offered January retreats online.

Heruka Celebrations around the world

January 26, 2021

Enjoy this selection of photos from Heruka celebrations around the world on January 25, Heruka Day!

Indivisible Bliss & Emptiness

January 25, 2021

January 25 is Heruka Day on which we engage in special practices of the Highest Yoga Tantra Deity, Heruka, who is the principal Deity of the New Kadampa Tradition. Here we share a beautiful rendering of Heruka’s mandala.

Teachings on effort with Gen-la Kunsang ~ 3

January 25, 2021

In the third of this mini series Gen-la Kunsang explains how we deal with obstacles that arise when we are practicing effort.

Teachings on effort with Gen-la Kunsang ~2

January 24, 2021

In this second of three teachings on effort Gen-la Kunsang explains the benefits of applying effort

Teachings on effort with Gen-la Kunsang ~1

January 23, 2021

In this the first of three teachings on effort, Gen-la Kunsang, retired Deputy Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU explains why we need to practice effort.


Outstanding Visits and Public Talks in North America


Blessed events in South America


Fall Festival will now offer livestreaming


Crowds Flock to Discover Happiness from a Different Source