Ultimate freedom from suffering

East Asian Dharma Celebration

This weekend, KMC Hong Kong hosted the East Asian Dharma Celebration online with Gen Kelsang Tonglam, National Spiritual Director of Hong Kong, Taiwan & Philippines. Experience a taste of this special event with the short video and extraordinary photo gallery below.

"170 fortunate sanghas in Asia received the blessing empowerment of White Tara and teachings on how to accomplish deathlessness for the benefit of all living beings, based on sadhana The Yoga on White Tara and Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso's book The New Eight Steps to Happiness.

"A heartfelt thank you to Gen Tonglam for the clear and profound teachings, to Kelsang Nyema for guiding the meditations, and to Kadam Dianna for guiding the retreat.

"And many thanks to all the kind volunteers and everyone who joined us online. Although we are physically apart, we are all connected spiritually by the immeasurable kindness of our Guru and the strong faith of our sanghas."


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