Forty Years of Buddha Amitayus Retreat
Feb 14, 2025
Read about some other recent activities organized by Kadampa centers around the world.
At KMC Cuernavaca we had a walk & meditation to conclude this year's activities.
On Saturday we enjoyed a nature walk, sharing special moments with the Sangha and a meditation led by Gen Nampur on compassion for all beings.
Thank you to everyone who participated and made this beautiful day possible.
In December to end off the year's social activities, Matevhu Davhana, the admin director of Vajrapani KBC in Johannesburg, led a walk and guided meditation at the beautiful bio-diverse Walter Sisulu Botanical Gardens.
A fortunate group of dedicated students participated in the Great Preliminary Guide of Vajrasattva, training in purification practice, and drawing closer to Guru Vajrasattva.
It was a wonderful weekend, and despite the intense heat wave in Johannesburg, we experienced the truth that purification makes you happy and is the root of future happiness and spiritual realizations.
Thank you Geshe-la for such a unique and powerful practice, using the four opponent powers to be able to purify in daily life, too.
Christmas Open Day at KMC Manchester was a wonderful way of welcoming local people into our center, giving them the experience of free meditations throughout the day.
The meditations were led by center students and were accompanied by some excellent refreshments and fundraising stalls. On the day of the worst weather of the year it also provided much-appreciated refuge from the storm!