Urban retreats at local centers around the world – Oases of peace
Jan 28, 2025
At this time of year, many Kadampa centers around the world come together to celebrate the end of year and enjoy time with their communities. Here is a glimpse of the festive season at Manjushri KMC, KMC Chile, KMC Munich in Germany and Nagarjuna KMC in the UK.
This weekend, Manjushri KMC was alive with visitors and residents enjoying the Christmas celebration of Wishfulfilling Jewel puja with tsog followed by the annual Christmas party.
Earlier in the day, the dining room and corridor were decorated to create a festive atmosphere and a delicious feast was prepared. Then after puja we gathered to enjoy a joyful evening with friends old and new, everything combining to make this a very special time.
The community of Kadampa Meditation Center Chile enjoyed a wonderful Christmas dinner together.
While enjoying dinner, we discussed the teachings of karma, how to cultivate pure love, reduce attachment and anger and much more.
It is very enriching for our Dharma practice to have such instances to deepen our understanding of the spiritual path.
Many thanks to all who participated. See you on New Year's Eve! On December 31st we have a special event to bring in the new year together.
Every year, we hold a Christmas party with our Resident Teacher, Gen Kelsang Khandro, and the Sangha of Kadampa Meditation Center Munich.
A very festive day was had at Nagarjuna KMC. There was an assortment of local artisan stalls around the building selling a variety of homemade crafts and gifts. Even the local neighborhood police had a stall.
Free taster meditation sessions were held throughout the day. A live band provided plenty of cheer. There was coffee and cake in the World Peace Café and an extra food stall with warm snacks and tea/coffee to ensure no one went thirsty or hungry.
The gift shop was stacked full of special gifts. This is a popular event for the locals who love to come to browse.